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OK I'm bored and no one is posting today!

And I'll admit it - I'm a huge fan of fantasy/scifi/horror books- anyone else here?

Right now I'm reading The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkin...not too bad, a little long though.

Also The Dragon Reborn series by Robert Jordan- same as above, in fact both series are pretty similar (but the draw you in- I can't stop reading them...)

Of course I'm a big fan of LOTR too!

Anyone else? :scratchch


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Reefer420 said:
OK I'm bored and no one is posting today!

And I'll admit it - I'm a huge fan of fantasy/scifi/horror books- anyone else here?

Right now I'm reading The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkin...not too bad, a little long though.

Also The Dragon Reborn series by Robert Jordan- same as above, in fact both series are pretty similar (but the draw you in- I can't stop reading them...)

Of course I'm a big fan of LOTR too!

Anyone else? :scratchch

i'm a hardcore sci fi fan too but regret my bookreading days are over (and this site don't exactly help)

oh and horror too, no surprise...


i lost track of that series "Surface" ... what happened in the end?????


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don't know- it got pretty boring imho...

no time to read? I guess I stopped for a while back in college- but now I try and get an hour or so in before going to bed.


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yeah it got boring (surface). i just wonder what the sea monster grew up to look like and how it all ended.

i stopped reading at will when i had to much to read at college by force. since then, never again...

blockbuster dvds don't help either :(


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no idea...

used to love The Next generation.

Have you played Doom 3 yet??? It is insane- almost too scary to play for long periods of time...

btw- hows Fear? I thought it was good- but got a little easy and was a little slow in parts.


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Fair Lawn, NJ
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Doom 3 was great but like you said it was so damn scary! I would play it something would jump out at me and I was so stressed after playing 30 minutes I had to take a break. I have never played a video game that I had to take a break from!


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yeah- those books suck you in- you get much more involved with the characters than you do in a movie....I still need to get book 11.

You sould read the Terry Goodkin books if you like the wheel of time novels- they are pretty much the same (also in the fact that the first 5 books are incredible, and then they seem to loose their way for a while...)

on doom 3- I need a break after 30 mins or so of playing too--- it gets intense!!! I can't imagine 10 yrs from now what these games will be like...


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Im a big scifi fan, but i pretty much hate reading period

Stargate ( i have a stargate replica in my fish tank :))
stargate atlantis
all star trek (thou i have my fav) (they were gonna make a new movie star trek XI script is in play, Bragga (sp?) left the scene thank god, now bermen has to go)
surface- which is still good and not boring! Tsunami hit and everyone meets up its funny
Babylon 5 and Crusade (my fav shows of all time)
old school starwars (new ones were real gay)

u name it lol


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I want to get the X-Files Mythology DVD sets- instead of buying all 9 seasons on DVD (expensive) you can just get the "alien" storyline- which imho was the best part of the Xfiles anyway...


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Reefer420 said:
I want to get the X-Files Mythology DVD sets- instead of buying all 9 seasons on DVD (expensive) you can just get the "alien" storyline- which imho was the best part of the Xfiles anyway...

i liked when they did the funny episodes that had nothing 2 do w/ the alien plot. Like when mulder changes bodys w/ the guy and has to put up w/ his wife lol

or when he goes back intime and fights the germans and the cigarette smoking man is in charge.

Or the virtual reality shooting game

i thought the humor was a good release for a show that was sometimes dark and tohught provoking:flower:


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I don't remember the VR shooting game...

I loved those funny episodes! They really made the show a lot better like you said.

btw- do you remember how the series 'ended'? Did it even have a real ending? I know they had a movie, but I foget how it went now- did that have an ending? I had thought they were supposed to have another movie- to finish things- but it looks like they never got around to it...


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Nope no sci fi fantassy fan here. When I'm bored I do a Star Wars Saga Screening. But nope no Sci Fi fan here. :joke: :DarthVade


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I dont know if this counts for sci-fi but i love reading and own all "The Sandman" illustrated comic/novels by Neil Gaiman....btw I have to check out Doom 3 now.

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