inkblue said:...juSt as lonG aS tHey stiLL fit in 'em :sgrin: :p some of 'em buBBLe over...but tHatS oK t0o (sometiMes)
aaron23 said:LOL HEY HOUSE UR MARRIED.:wink1: j/p
jhale said::irked: Don't post things like this unless you have pics to back it up.
don't you have a camera phone? LOL
aaron23 said:LOL HEY HOUSE UR MARRIED.:wink1: j/p
DEEPWATER said:YEs bless the person ,I also want to give a nice blessing fo rthe maker of the white see through pants ,hmm hmm with a sexy thong
DRZL said:hahhaaaa...Herman how about u put on a leopard print and touch your toes? just put the camera on timer
To the winnndddooooww too the WALLLLLLL!
DRZL said:hahhaaaa...Herman how about u put on a leopard print and touch your toes? just put the camera on timer
To the winnndddooooww too the WALLLLLLL!