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Go on, spill it. I was a Mortgage Broker for 15 years and a General Contractor for 12 years. I've been at more closing tables (title transfer meetings) than I care to remember.

What's the deal?



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Staten Island
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Oh man it's a lot to spill..I wish it was good news like I was buying a house but it's not.

I have been having a lot of drama with my landlord all winter he has been a real prick about the heat he refused to take the air conditioners out of the windows so obviously the cold air was coming in hot air going out. My 2 year old son's room has been like an icebox so he always wanted to sleep in my bed. Since he sleeps like the Michael Jordan symbol I was sleeping on the couch. I had asked my landlord to raise the heat many times and he refused so I went and did it on my own. HE came over here flipped on me we had a big blowout. That was in the beginning of winter. So he lowered the heat back and I went and got an electric heater for my kids room and started putting an ice pack over the thermostat so the heat would come up.

He was also coming in here when I was not home. I have no idea why. I have found signs like doors I closed would be open and other things amiss. I don't know if he was coming in here to sniff our underwear or wtf his problem is but I called him on it several times and he always denied it.

More recently things have just gotten worse and worse. My place is ALL included. So now he has been busting balls about the electric and water bills. He also said he was going to raise my rent AND make me pay a portion of the utilities. I have a lease which is supposed to be good until May. Personally I do not do a lot of water changes at all and I don't run halides. I don't have anything crazy going on I have a 4 bulb T5 and a acan 82w LED on my tanks. I have had these tanks set up pretty much since I moved here last May. About 2 weeks ago I was outside having a cig and I caught him sneaking around peeking in my window then he starts a big argument w/ me. Bitching about the bills blah blah then he was saying that the guys downstairs were moving out because my son "runs around too much". Meanwhile I know for a fact they were broke and couldn't pay their rent and he was kicking them out..they told me. So I was like "yea I'm sure they are moving out because of me." His response was "What are you a wisea$$? I should smack the $#!T outta you" So I told him to do it because I would love a reason to toss him a beating legally LOL. Of course he backed down. I screamed at him some more telling him he's a piece of garbage and he doesn't care if my kid freezes then I told him to beat it and he left.

After that I did my research I saw that the C of O says that this is a 1 family house and there was never any permits filed to make it otherwise. There has been at least 5 complaints since 1997 about this house being an illegal 1 to 3 family conversion. His wife also had an illegal day care center here for years which now they moved into the basement of their house. Forgot to mention they don't live here. Basically after all this info I found and as pissed as I am I want to screw this bastard. NY state law says that if it's an illegal apt. I don't have to pay rent because he cannot legally collect it. I am now looking for a new place. He came here again last week another big blow out I brought up about it being an illegal apartment and he tried to play stupid. Then I said that I wasn't going to give him any more money. I recorded the whole thing so I have some evidence. He tells me whatever pay the rent don't pay the rent he just doesn't wnat anymore problems so I said fine. After some more arguing I slammed the door in his face. My dad is a locksmith so I had him change the locks. I called 311 made a heat complaint. I didn't hear from this guy for about a week then yesterday he calls me I didn't even want to speak to the guy so I let it go to vm like I always do. He leaves a message all nice saying he got a call from 311 and wants to fix the heat problem. How convenient all of a sudden now that winter is basically over! LOL

I told my woman to call him and tell him not to bother and just to stay away from me. He tells her he's going to come take the ac's out. I didn't even wan tteh guy coming inside so I took them out myself left them outside for him. He comes knocks on the door and says since I'm living here I have to pay him the rent. All of a sudden things change LOL. I laughed and shut the door, he goes "ok think about it I'll call you tomorrow".

Basically this is the crap I have been dealing with and that is the SHORT version. Now I'll be looking for a new place probably staying in queens in this area. Now I just need an attorney to give me some info .


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Far Rockaway
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If you really want him in hot water just call 311 again and say that the place your renting if not safe for a kid . Deparment of building will send a person down to investagate in the house and if its not up to code he will get fined and given a mounth the fix the problems


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Sound Beach,LI
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Wow that sux dude!! Ive had my problems with landlords in the past and I always walked away with several months rent. As soon as you now its an illegal apartment, all bets are off. Dont pay him a dime and you could probably get away with staying there for at least 3 more months. I wish I knew a decent lawyer to refer you to but I dont. Good luck with it dude!!


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Staten Island
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Batt..I already spoke to 311 they said if I make that complaint and an inspector comes and sees it's illegal they will deem it unsafe for a child and everyone will have to vacate the premises IMMEDIATELY! I was like wtf? At this point I have nowhere else to go so I'd rather not sleep in the car haha. I heard several stories about people taking the landlord to court and getting all their money back they paid for rent plus staying there free for a few months. I figured before I did that which would def make $#!T hit the fan I would go down to the queens civil court house and speak to one of their attorneys. I did so and the guy was a total douche. He told me there was nothing I could really do except try to sue him for not having heat and harassment. He also said he never heard of any cases where the people got all their money back because they "don't exist". He said as far as money I could only sue for my security deposit back.

This is why I want to speak to a REAL attorney so I can figure out my next move. At this point I really just wanna get the hell outta here and move on w/ my life. This is really putting a damper on me setting up my new system! LOL! I got it all sitting in the corner ready to go ,rock in bins and all and now I have to move.

It's not even about the money although getting my 20g's back would be nice =] Respect goes a long way and when you don't give it you don't get it. Now it's time to get evil because I don't play games. Regardless of what happens I will rain down hell on this S.O.B. just because he deserves it. After I'm out I'll be dropping a dime to the IRS as well. About 20 years of tax evasion is a nice little bonus. Hey if it's good enough to put Al Capone away it's good enough for this bastard.:lol2:


Saltwater since 1973
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He also said he never heard of any cases where the people got all their money back because they "don't exist". He said as far as money I could only sue for my security deposit back.
Not an attorney, but been a landlord, (and watched People's Court) forever...I think the guy is 100% right...your landlord may have a problem because of the illegal apartment, but that would not entitle you to live 'rent free', and get your past payments back. Also if you have children in school, he probably can't 'throw' you out, until the end of the school year.


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Why didn't you just take out the ac units on your own in the beginning of the winter if you were freezing so bad? Besides why would you sue him because you were cold? I feel if my child was so cold I would have just taken out the ac and called it a day. I really can't see any judge taking your side on this they are going to ask you the same thing. You do whatever it takes to keep your children safe. Even as far as an illegal apartment the courts are not going to award you back all the months rent. You may get back one or 2 months of rent but is it really worth your time and aggravation?


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Staten Island
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Not an attorney, but been a landlord, (and watched People's Court) forever...I think the guy is 100% right...your landlord may have a problem because of the illegal apartment, but that would not entitle you to live 'rent free', and get your past payments back. Also if you have children in school, he probably can't 'throw' you out, until the end of the school year.
It's not about living rent free or getting my money back but NY state law says that if an apartment is illegal you should not pay the landlord rent because he cannot legally collect it. I had no problem paying my rent on time every month. I just don't appreciate this guy coming in here and going through my stuff whenever he wants to and disrespecting me all while not giving a crap if my kids room is like an icebox. That's when things change.


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Staten Island
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Well Jaynie if you actually READ what I wrote I got an electric heater and put an ice pack on the thermostat so we weren't freezing. The guy was pissed about his electric bill being high which is his problem not mine. As for the air conditioners I would have taken them out months ago but where was I going to store them? In my bath tub? This moron told me to put them on the floor. What am I supposed to have air conditioners all over the house ? That's RETARDED.

What's your legal background that you can say what a judge would or wouldn't do? Are you a judge? I doubt it.


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Staten Island
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Sorry Arthur,thought I had responded to this. I have been busy as hell this weekend,I haven't been on MR at all. I am working on getting out of here,yea he has a security deposit 1 month. I have no patience for karma although I am a firm believer in it. He will get what's coming for sure. When I am out oh man..I'd hate to be this guy LOL. :sgrin:

Anyone work for the IRS? I got a dime to drop.


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the dirty Jersey
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If you think he's coming into your place when you're not around see about getting a cheap surveillance camera, or rig something up yourself. Maybe you can rent one?

Lawyers are FRIGGIN" expensive. One reason to think twice before going that route.


Advanced Reefer
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I have a very good lawyer in manhattan who deals in this stuff. She helped a friend of mine, and me out.

Allison Furman
[email protected]

She is very reasonable with price, tell her Philip Schlanger sent you.

Sent from my iPod touch using Reefs, so please excuse typos and shortness.

The rook

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