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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Hey, I'm not going to go into details about it here because it's personal, but I'm looking for some work to make some money. I'm in a really rough situation in my life right now and have been for quite some time. Stupidly I never fixed it and learned my lesson. But after today of talking to my girlfriend of several years, she pretty much drew the line. I need to make a few grand pretty quickly, and i know that's impossible, so any small or large work to make something, anything. please let me know. I'm not looking for an actual job like a full-time or half time job, but just work for you or whoever to make quick money within a month or whatever. Although in a month or two I will be needing a job seeing making minium wage and working part time just does not cut it even close in the real world. I don't care if it's helping you do some personal cleaning/organizing of your house like painting or cleaning, yard work, traveling, owner of a business that needs help doing something big to their store, heck I don't care if i have to be your slave for a few days or your someone looking to stupid random work done that you don't have time for and rather pay someone to do. Im that guy. It's pretty important to me, so if there is anything, anything, you need done or looking help for, pm me and we can talk. I'm not looking to go somewhere and get paid like 25 bucks for shoveling your driveway or something, because that will take forever to make anything, but hey if your local, maybe i will just because its worth it. like i said, just let me know. I figured this is a decent place to ask. Pm me with whatever, some work or a future job. I'll go into more detail through pm, thanks guys...


Advanced Reefer
Sound Beach,LI
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Man sorry to hear that man! Im in the same boat and most likely moving to Florida in the spring( waiting for my son to finish first grade). Ive been selling off my corals just to make the bills and buy food. Good luck with the job thing! If I hear of anything I'll let you know!


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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Guys I'm sorry to hear this I was out of work for 7 months this year! Luckily I was able to find 2 nights bar tending if u really serious about finding work put a dress shirt and tie on shave get a hair cut and go from restaurant to restaurant ask to speak to the owner about work!
I've made alot of extra dough working in restaurants over the years doing every type of job
Good luck
Ps I usually had to visit about 25 to 30 places to find work

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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thanks alot guys. appreciate it. hope smething works out. everyone knows its not easy in this boat...

car is for sale. bike is for sale. credit cards cut up. yet i cant sell my fish though, they are family.


Old School Reefer
Rating - 99.6%
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Hey Ryan, sorry to hear about the temporary woes. The operative word being temporary. You'll get through this. You've got a boatload of things going for you. I know how tough it can be, I'll keep my eyes open for anything that can be thrown your way.

Keep a positive outlook,


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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thanks russ. yeah been a rough past day or two. girlfriend in the hospital which is no good and random things like that. its rough how things just pop up like this so quickly. last week im fine and then when i finally sit down and take a look at everything im like wow. yeahhhhhhhhhhh

Salty Dog

Advanced Reefer
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If your willing to come to stamford, I would consider trying you out with work in my home. I do have a buisness and Have employee's but Im willing to help someone out. Do you have any skills in carpentry/ electrical/ painting/woodworking ect.

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