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i have a female golden retreiver who is 5 years old and not spaded.for some reason she has started urinating in 2 different spots of the house.i have no idea why and its getting to my wife and she wants her gone.i have a few ideas of why.
1st in early december she ate a box of real choclates and it was 12 to 15 hours later we relized it and by that time it was 2 late to do anything about it.eary january she was vomiting everyday till middle of january when she stopped and the the urinating started but she only does it when i leave.i could be gone for 10 min and she goes to the spot and goes.im ruling out kidney problems because she does not go frequently just when we are out of the room.
2nd when she has her period we tie her up in 1 room so she doesnt ruin every room.we have been doing this for 4 years and it never seemed to bother her.well she finished her period and now the urinating started.im now thinking spite for tieing her up.
like i said its in 2 rooms of the house.my den and the upstairs hallway.anyone have any ideas why she has started this as a 5 year old dog.and what can i do to stop this behavior.i am willing to try anything.im now thinking of getting a large crate to put her in when we leave.she only does it when no one is around to see her.


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You came to that conclusion, how? I'm no expert or even know any veterinary medicine. But with a simple Google, the first 4 links shows increased/frequent urination is a symptom of chocolate poisoning.


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i googled it as well and it says a dog will recover in 3 days if ingested.she didnt start throwing up till 2 weeks after ingesting it and she didnt start urinting till 2 weeks ago.she ate the chocolate 2 months ago.after she ate the chocolate there was no sign of any poisoning.the vet told me if she throws up to bring her right in.she did not throw up


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jcono calm down there killer.i take my dog to the vet every 3 months.there is no sign of any stress.speak politely if you dont know what your talking about please.i treat my dog like a child.damn people always want to start crap with there internet muscles


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well i googled chocolate poisoning again to see a time frame and it really doesnt show of any lasting effects on dogs so i called aspca poison control and spoke to a vet and they said there is no possible way the effect from the chocolate poisoning would last 2 months.i will take her to the vet just in case my nasty neighbors are not doing anything to her while im not looking.right now i need to find out the reason behind this urination issue before my house smells like the bathrooms at shea.


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i made a appointment for the vet.an this is how i know its not a physical problem.i tied her up all night and woke up to no urination on the floor.everyday when i went to bed the next morningh i found pee in those 2 spots.she is still tied up and went to the store and no pee on the floor.whenever i stepped out of the house she peed in those 2 spots.well thanks CIA for your advise your the only one that has helped.not even a vet can give me any advise.i know my dog and i can tell if something was wrong with her.i was asking for a little help on a behavioral problem and all i got was go to the vet,you own a animal its your responsibility.sometimes i think some of you guys skip parts of a story just so you can try and start a fight.if you missed my other post i take my dog to the vet on a regular basis.unlike probably 90% of other dog owners.i wont respond to any one with negative comments again.so if anyone has any other tips on a 5 year old dog starting to urinate in the house all ideas are welcome.


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i made a appointment for the vet.an this is how i know its not a physical problem.i tied her up all night and woke up to no urination on the floor.everyday when i went to bed the next morningh i found pee in those 2 spots.she is still tied up and went to the store and no pee on the floor.whenever i stepped out of the house she peed in those 2 spots.well thanks CIA for your advise your the only one that has helped.not even a vet can give me any advise.i know my dog and i can tell if something was wrong with her.i was asking for a little help on a behavioral problem and all i got was go to the vet,you own a animal its your responsibility.sometimes i think some of you guys skip parts of a story just so you can try and start a fight.if you missed my other post i take my dog to the vet on a regular basis.unlike probably 90% of other dog owners.i wont respond to any one with negative comments again.so if anyone has any other tips on a 5 year old dog starting to urinate in the house all ideas are welcome.

A trained dog starting to urinate all over the house is most likely a sign of some kind of health problem.

Most people see their physician for routine check ups, but also visit them in between when they are feeling ill. Do your dog the same courtesy.


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hey mods can you delete this thread.obviously people who are writing a response to this are either two stupid or to lazy to read the entire thread and posts and are making rude remarks to make me look like im mistreating my dog.for people who are in a hobby that require brain cells you guys should just get goldfish.if people would read every line they would see everything they have wrote is so moronic.READ THE FU#$%$# WHOLE THREAD BEFORE YOU COMMENT YOU A$$%^&^%,thanks for all you freaking help

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