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May be I will hate it tomorrow when I need to shovel my way out or when the snow melt and flood my street again. As for today, I feel very relaxed.

Now, I have another excuse to stay off work to look at my fishies. LOL.
I have not taken care of my tanks for like half year, finally find a right chance to look at them.

I also don't have to go out to meet my clients and being bombarded with questions from their friends, relatives and not so significant other halves(some less than half-if you know what I mean). LOL. I can stay home and prepare more on the design and proposals. :)

Anyway, we can only marvel at Mother Nature and how fast man-made-weather-change is progressing from last year's worse spring/summer of 50+ days raining out of 60 days straight, to this year's continual sudden thundersnows.
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A rare day off for Wingo the Workaholic.

I didn't think you ever stopped! Mother Nature is trying to help you relax, must be all the good Karma...

Enjoy! And don't listen to too much trance music or you will never get the tank maintenance done.

Fun waves today after Noreaster kicked up the ocean, Im headed out to the beach to go for a surf in a bit.
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A rare day off for Wingo the Workaholic.
so true

Enjoy! And don't listen to too much trance music or you will never get the tank maintenance done.
not so true. I don't usually listen to any music when not working.
Starcraft and Total War will stop me from tank maintenance for sure. Hmm still cannot master the tactics in the naval battles. Got to try 20 more times today.:shhh:

Fun waves today after Noreaster kicked up the ocean, Im headed out to the beach to go for a surf in a bit.
Brave soul:tub:
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May be I will hate it tomorrow when I need to shovel my way out or when the snow melt and flood my street again.

Speaking of the Devil, I will have to get back to the club after all-my workers are calling for help. :irked: Let's see whether I hate this snow or not after I come back. I did not even know the new guys are so hard working travelling like 2 hours to work in this weather. Shame on myself.
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It's now officially next day since the thread started and, man, I got to tell you I have DUGG( not just shovel) 2/3 of a block to get my van out. BUT I still feel good and like today as much as yesterday!

The full story:
Our van made a turn into a smaller street and at about 1/3 of it, I spotted 2 cars in front are going to get stucK and, man, they did! I stepped out of the van with my new assistant trying to help the front car while my driver decided to turn into a driveway trying to head the other way. My goodness, our van got stuck too as the snow/ice are too thick in the center of the road and we cannot climb back up. While we were digging to make a track low enough for the van, there was another limo trolling straight towards us. We wavied and yelled to stop him from going forward but the driver just don't wanna stop and almost run us over. He stuck right behind my van's tail! The drivers from the cars in front of us questioned his logic and he claimed, "he did not see us." Well, he must have seen the blinking hazadous light of so many cars though. I knew he lied-he is just a conceded, selfish guy who just want to drive us by ASAP without slightest heart of trying to help. He then backed up (again, almost run over another stuck driver) He got about 20 feet and stuck again. HAHA, he deserved it. 活該! We dug and plowed forward 2/3 of the block and pushed the car in front together with the help of one more neighbour. When the drivers from the front came to say thank you, we all feel the warmth. Taht hand shake, that gesture and that smile made my day.

AND most importantly,

we left THE A-HOLE in THE HOLE. HAHA Of course, this part made my day too.:sgrin::sgrin::sgrin:
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