Had to pick up my daughter from school yesterday. She had a temp of 103. She's doing better today - hurray Tylenol and anti-biotics.
Thanks, but not everything is caused by a virus. Waiting for the Strep test results, but it seems likely. The Tylenol works great and has less impact on the stomach.
They have the Motrin for Kids too.
like a flu?? i almost got the flu but i use the neti pot everyday twice a day. i have no idea if it's ok for children though. but it's really really good for colds, flu, allergy, sinus infection. otherwise i would've been sick for like 5 months.
Might have to try that, mine seems to be a cold that keeps coming and going to the point where I'll be sick 3 days in bed then feel better for 2 weeks then bam same thing.
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Ever since my kids started school someone always seems to be sick from December till May. I love it that a lot of parents treat school more like a day care facilty and send their kids when they are sick because they can't stay home to care for them in turn getting the other kids sick who in turn bring it home and infect the whole family.
HAhahahaI've been in bed 3 days with stomach virus an flu. What is neti pot ? a new marijuanna ?