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Kinda crazy, this is the quickest i've seen something like this assembled. They also spent months assembling and prefabricating everything so it goes up like a lego set so keep that in mind before you say "oh my gawd its so quick!".

If anyone knows more on the prefab side of construction chime in. I know there is a lot of controversy on prefab housing and its shelf life. Certain prefab techniques don't last long and are meant to be temporary at best (10-15 yrs?)


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lol this reminds me of my "age of empires" days, when i used to make the the whole population help build the special buildings :tongue1:


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Guarenteed it was not done in 6 days, They didn't show the time it took just to get the lot ready. There was no concrete used in the floors it looked like. You know how weak the building has to be?


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How long ago was 9/11 now? Starting to wonder if pre-fab is such a bad thing...
There was and is way more to rebuilding that site than you can even imagine. I worked on that project at different levels before I left and trust me, politics were the biggest problem, You also had to accomodate the public. And just repairing the foundation to hold back all the water was a big job and time consuming. After that all the subways in the area had to be redone before any work could be done on the new building. Don't forget the removal of certain pieces also. I think it took almost 2-3 years before they figured out what to do with the pieces that survived.
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yup. US is soooo slow at building anything

Except in World War II, after the Pearl Harbour incident, US rebuilt a carrier overnight which usually took 2-3 years work. The mentaility of US leaned towards slowing down other people/nations by negotiation/talks/and may be to some "threats" rather than build our own higher grounds. For example, I think patent law is one such thing even though some claimed it's for protection of inventors. The law basically forbid competitors to build rather than promote the inventor to build. Only when TOTALLY threathened, US showed the real talent.

Zany, China being one of highest polluter has nothing to do with efficiency of putting up a hotel. It's simply because the over all productions of the country is growing. ALL industrialized countries were once the largest polluters of the world because they were industrializing their countries at the time. It's a prize everyone pays when countires are industrializing. Of course, during those time no govenments/media want to mention pollution of their own at the time when they were the peak polluters. When industrialization is over, then the think base type economy sets in, the countries will start to switch to mostly financial commerce and yet new risks emerge along with new commerce like "Internet Bubble", "Credit Crisis", .... Oh, people do die in these new crisis too. Just look at Iceland and Turkey to see how many commited suicide after last couple financial crisis. Looking at any index of a nation, we should ALSO relate it with per capita. For example, industrial CO2 produced/population. US is still #1 in the world in pollution per head of population-that's partially why we are still the largest economy in the world.

Tony, prefab buildings are frequent in hotels. A perfect location would be Cancun where they take down hotels and rebuild new ones once every a while. I was told couple hotels were put together in 2-3 months while I saw a lot of old ones(look quite new) were being taken down.
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I just wish they'd start to do something... It's always politics.
They are still working on the subways to this day, The biggest problem is they can't shut down the subway through the week, because of all the people needing it for work. They shut down one line per weekend and work around the clock on them. But by the time they get all the permits and the tracks are actually safely shut down, you are into almost 6 hours of work time. With only 48 hours of work time. And then you have to have the line up and running so you need another 6 hours to put it back together.


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Raleigh, NC
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I've worked on several prefab/modular construction projects.

Putting the pieces together is the last step. What you don't see in this video are the months of work taking place in the factory and the build site/foundation prep work.

Putting all the pieces together at thed is the easy/quick part of the project.

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