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juiced paties :scratch:
Do they come with pictures & video. Lmao I'm just saying
I need proof of wear lmao!! ( that can go so wrong)
it's a funny post I'll give it to her. It takes a very special person to offer up her used juiced panties ..... :biglaugh:


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LMAO Tobin how did I know you would find your way to this thread?

Yea moron I typed in juiced panties and it was my lucky day.

It's called "for sale" people sell many things there. That's kind of the point.

Triggers just angry she wouldnt give him a discount and wouldnt accept his e checks lol.

Pretty gross ad.... By the way how exactly would you juice panties? A juicer? or wand emulcifier?

Nice thread


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Staten Island
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1st if all Jimmy..she is an immigrant if I was at all interested I would have paid her in 20's I printed from my computer but that's besides the point.

2nd LOL @ Albie I knew you were gonna order some you dirty old man!

3rd I have plenty of juiced panties at home..I live with a sexy woman and when you're this god damn handsome the panties are juiced 24/7! :duh:

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