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Paul B

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On the news this morning they reported that we lose more active combat troops to suicide than combat.
Also the Veteran unimployment rate is two to three times the national average.
This really bothers me and always has. I myself lost two Veteran friends to suicide after they returned from Nam. I don't know why, they just could not make the adjustment back to civilian life.
I didn't have a problem with that but my wife tells me that I also have some PTSD. I never realized it and I am glad she told me but I always thought I came back from Nam better than when I went.
I don't understand PTSD (post tramatic stress disorder) very well but I can understand easily how you can be affected by it.
We back home only see tiny snippets of actual combat. Almost nothing, and while we are seeing it, we are safe in our homes.
Nothing will scare you as much as actual combat where your friends are dying or you are getting wounded or worse. It happens very fast and furious and even if you are not seriously hurt, the pain of the tiny pieces of schrapnel digging into you from near by explosions or the sound of a bullet, or many bullets speeding past your ears much faster than the speed of sound will scare you like you will never be scared again for the rest of your life. You never forget it.
War, at least the war I was in was a combination of severe boredom and severe combat, there was not much in between.
I don't know the answer to all the problems Veterans have but I think more should be done to try to aclimate Veterans back into relatively peaceful society.
PTSD is many times a silent condition hardly noticed by even close friends.
To this day, loud noises drive me crazy and for many years I hated the Fourth of July. I am over it and don't have any problems that I can tell, but if you go to a Veterans hospital, many of these brave men and women can not ever again merge back into society.
Sorry, just ranting a little about something that bothers me.


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It's great to hear from one of our heroes :).

I've had the pleasure of meeting a nam vet. about a year ago and he told me his story of being in battle. It is scary and I don't believe anyone can really be ready for it. He also told me he came back from duty, with several illness from nam, that to this day he can not get rid of. The most interesting thing that hit me was wen he said was everyone was wired differently...he's wired to be a "warrior" any would not hesitate to carry out his orders. We on the other hand would question things.

I just wanted to thank all our veterans past and present for keeping our nation save.
Thank you.


Paul B

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Combat does change you, there is no question about that, especially when it is close combat.
For me anyway, it did change me but I think for the better. There is nothing that really would scare me and little things do not bother me at all.
If someone stole my car or broke into my home, it would not bother me like it would some people. Of course, if I caught the person, I would probably kill him, but that would not bother me either.
The only thing that does bother me is crowds and traffic. Living in NY is not the place to live for either of those things.
But some Vets can not cope with even the smallest things. Like your friend said, we are all wired differently.
After one particular battle I was in my Captain who was probably 25 years old at the time was releived of command right after the battle. He did nothing wrong and as a matter of fact was very brave but out of about 79 guys or so we lost about 27 that night. He just could not take it and was relieved because of what they called battle fatigue. He later re gained his position and made it to Major. He recently died from what is believed to be an Agent Orange cancer.
One guy that night received the Medal of Honor, his name is Peter Lemon, and he deserved it. I have not seen him since they sent him home severly wounded but now I know he is a motivational speaker. I don't know if his experiences still haunt him http://www.homeofheroes.com/profiles...les_lemon.html
I don't know how much resourses the US is putting into this but I hope it is a significant amount and more than we are spending on other nonsence things.
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