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Advanced Reefer
Staten island ny
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since i been on here a long time i trust your input so maybe someone can help me here.. i have a macbook pro the mouse all of a sudden got wierd on me i hook up an external mouse and its the same ****.. does anyone know wat the f is going on.. i am about to go nuts thanku in advance for the help and input. :irked: if this doesnt belong just give me a break. i need the help.


Advanced Reefer
Staten island ny
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ok if anyone has a apple macbook pro and this problem happens to you look at your battery if it is swollen that means you need a new battery take the battery out and run the mac off your plug follow this and you will be saving 200 buxx at the mac repair site which will tell u the same thing i paid 120 for the battery from apple and got free shipping thanku for the help


Advanced Reefer
Staten island ny
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sorry guys the mouse all of a sudden didnt work it was moving all over the place. i put a external mouse in my usb and it was doing the same..it was making me angry i bought this 3 years ago for 3500.00 it is the best laptop i ever had never had a crash no glitches nothing bad until this. i looked at the battery it looked strange i took the battery off and left it on the plug. the laptop was back to normal so i bought a new battery and now its all good. so if this happens to u check the battery even if it is at full charge it might be swollen

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