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Today is the 9th anniversary of the attacks on the the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Please take the time today to remember the innocent people murdered that day. Give thanks for those who survived. Give thanks for everything you hold dear.


God Bless America


CrAzY cOrAlS

Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I took a trip down there months after the clean up, when i got there all i saw was missing people flyers everywhere, extremley sad definatley does not start the day off wright. god bless.


Advanced Reefer
Tobyhanna, PA
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How can I forget, it's was so horrible. My mom was exposed to that mess while she worked at Stuyvesant High School right there on Chambers street, staying extra hours volunteering to help those Fireman and Police officers exposed to the chemicals in the air. Ever since, Mom has been sick going to the doctors, with chest problems.

Let's all take a silent moment to pray for those family who lost their loved ones and give thanks to God for being alive.


MR's Greatest Member
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I remember it like it was yesterday as well, I worked there on day one and made several trips back over the years. It's amazing to see how much has changed over time.


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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It was and will always be a sad memory. If we didn't lose someone then, we have lost someone in the years since. It has changed, but I will always remember what it was while it stood....
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