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So my 30th is fast approaching and my wife and parents want to buy me something special, especially as this past year has been very challenging. I'm still using my trusty Canon Rebel 2000 which is 10 years old now and am about ready for a new camera. Actually have been for a while but did not feel DSLR's were at the point where I was ready to commit the bucks for one but did not want to buy a new film camera which I knew would fast become obsolete. Right now I'm still at the research phase but like what I've read about the new Canon T2i so far. I lean towards Canon only because I already have a true macro, 70-300mm telephoto and a number of other accessories for it. Figure if I'm already laying out that kind of cash for a new camera it would be nice not having to buy 2 new lenses as well right now. However I dont really know if the Canon is worth that kind of money and am tryin to research into other options. I would consider myself an advanced amateur ( strictly film, my digital has been restricted to P&S with very basic post shooting editing ). I would like to become more comfotable with at least the basics of digital shooting/editing ( more is better but time is limited these days ) and my photography consists mostly of candid people shots ( not just family ) and nature photogrpahy ( both my pets and wildlife ) including lots of macro. I haven't published anything and dont plan on selling my photos but have had them displayed at university art shows and occasional contests. I would like to print my better shots for displays but rarely anything larger than 8x12". So what do you photography mavens suggest? Can you point me to any good forums to further research the topic? If I do go with the Canon, should I take the kit, being that I have the basic kit lens from my Rebel 2000, or should I buy the body only and spring for a better DSLR dedicated lens?


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i would get a kit because the motors in the new lenses are better and if i understood correctly u said they are 10 years old. but u brought up a great point tho getting a higher model would be very sweet.
heres a great site for reviews for everything SLR etc.

So my 30th is fast approaching and my wife and parents want to buy me something special, especially as this past year has been very challenging. I'm still using my trusty Canon Rebel 2000 which is 10 years old now and am about ready for a new camera. Actually have been for a while but did not feel DSLR's were at the point where I was ready to commit the bucks for one but did not want to buy a new film camera which I knew would fast become obsolete. Right now I'm still at the research phase but like what I've read about the new Canon T2i so far. I lean towards Canon only because I already have a true macro, 70-300mm telephoto and a number of other accessories for it. Figure if I'm already laying out that kind of cash for a new camera it would be nice not having to buy 2 new lenses as well right now. However I dont really know if the Canon is worth that kind of money and am tryin to research into other options. I would consider myself an advanced amateur ( strictly film, my digital has been restricted to P&S with very basic post shooting editing ). I would like to become more comfotable with at least the basics of digital shooting/editing ( more is better but time is limited these days ) and my photography consists mostly of candid people shots ( not just family ) and nature photogrpahy ( both my pets and wildlife ) including lots of macro. I haven't published anything and dont plan on selling my photos but have had them displayed at university art shows and occasional contests. I would like to print my better shots for displays but rarely anything larger than 8x12". So what do you photography mavens suggest? Can you point me to any good forums to further research the topic? If I do go with the Canon, should I take the kit, being that I have the basic kit lens from my Rebel 2000, or should I buy the body only and spring for a better DSLR dedicated lens?


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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Try dpreview.com
It will give you the info your looking for, In addition check out some amateur reviews of the camera your interested in buying.
I recently pick up a canon and absolutely enjoy using the camera.


Back from a break
Jamaica, NY
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The newer lenses have the IS and AF built into them. Definitely consider getting a newer lens if yours dont have those options. That's probably what makes these DSLR so much more user friendly for amatures...You dont have to smile for 10mins for a shot :)
In either case, Nikon or Canon, you should go hold the body and check it out yourself. Some people I know bought one over the other because of the buttons location or the "feel" of the body....
I think either one would produce wonderful pictures...


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I went to a well known camera retailer today since i happened to be in the city and checked out some canon and nikons. it was a madhouse there so i didnt get to really explore as much as I would have liked to but what was really surprising was the response i got when I asked if there were sample prints from any of the cameras that I could see and compare. They replied as though I asked to borrow the camera for a few days. This happened at another store i went to as well, a big box store. i dont understand why that is an unreasonable request if you're asking me to shell out a grand or more on a camera. I recall when I bought my rebel back in the day they used to have some binders with sample prints. They told me to go look online but excuse me, I am going to print photos and I want to see what untouched printed photos will look like from each camera.
Anyways the Canon T2 was comfortable in my hand but the higher end Canon ( the model escaped me but it was about $1,299 ) felt a lot more solid and had a faster shoot rate however it had a lower resolution sensor which is why I wanted to compare prints. The Nikon's all felt more solid than the Rebel but again the Rebel had some better ( at least on the face of it) features which is again why I want to compare prints.
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One of the best review sites I've seen is Ken Rockwell

Enjoy your new camera.


You need to be careful with what Ken Rockwell says, he is the most controversial person in photography hobby IMO. Some love his advices, some hate him and scratch their heads thinking why he earned such a popularity. My opinion is that some of his advices and tutorials are great while other time he just contradicts himself (like when he reviewed a 18-200mm Nikon lens) Just FYI

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