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I want to introduce my son to fishing but hes too young for the boats and the freshwater ponds out here are all weed clogged by now so I was hoping someone could recommend a good pier or dock where I can take him. I dont care if I wont catch keepers as this is more to teach him and see if he likes it and spend some quality time together. I do need to make it somewhat exciting so anything that is somewhat productive even with shorts is fine. I prefer something with 30 minutes drive of SB. I have tried SB harbor but it is generally dead there.
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You didn't mention your son's age, but you can't go wrong with snapper fishing. At this time of year, you can catch them anywhere there is access to salt water. As a first time, you may just want to get him one of those "snapper zapper" sets- just a popper with a leader and hook behind it, baited with a silverside. (The real, local silverside, Menidia menidia, not the stuff sold as fish food.) Once he gets the hang of it, he can graduate to an ultra-lite spinning outfit with 1/8-1/4 oz spoons like a kastmaster or krocodile. But for the first time, go with bait...success is as close to guaranteed as possible. Any local bay/salt marsh/pier should be good, any time of day or tide. You could also try for porgies, but success is not as likely, and he may be frustrated by having to throw back many, if not all, his fish. There is no minimum size on snappers. (Although catch and release is great, you have to be gentle with snappers...more than once I have had to scoop out and cook the fish that well meaning people released, but were too injured to survive.) Good luck!

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