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Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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i almost had to laugh, but then again to wonder at the same time. seen where they are trying to keep McDonalds from showing the toys that come with the kids meals on commercials, says it lure's people in because their kid wants a happy meal. In a society where people no longer take responsibility for their own actions or non-actions. How is it McDonalds fault your kid is fat. Fortunate for me i grew up on a farm and had around 2500 acres to run on, dirt bikes exploring ect i kept pretty active, plus having good genes helped alot and eating good, mom made almost everything from scratch. I use to see the commercials and say i wanted to go there and there, but my parents would say no. now granted i did get some sweats { made our own ice cream } had pie's and such. But my parents ran our house not me or my sister. On top of it come summer time i was kicked out of the house during the day to go play so mom could do house chores. I didnt have nor did really any of us have a ton of toys atleast not like toys now days that are pre-assembled and take no thought nor use of the imagination. Time to put the blame where the blame lays. Not on some company for trying to sell a product and using advertising to be seen, but on the parent who is to lazy to cook or just lets their kids run the house


Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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So true, or like the time when someone spilled hot coffee on his privates and sued because it was too hot. Also, I read somewhere that peoples diets were higher in certain "bad" things 50 years ago, lots of meats eggs cheeses dairy etc, and they were in better physical condition. Everything now is handed to most of these kids, and then they end up growing up like theyre gods gift to the world or something. I cant say that I wasnt somewhat spoiled growing up (only 27) but it was before things started really turning for the worse. I didnt get Nintendo until almost 2 years after release! My parents didnt want it making me lazy and stay inside all the time, and thats exactly what it did. I remember riding my bike, playing stickball, etc before everyone starting getting involved with video games and all. Then it became pig out after school and play Sega all afternoon. All that crap is straight up poison, and they wonder why our cancer rates are skyrocketing! Chemical sweetners, straight up sugar and water, misleading food to trick us into thinking were eating healthily. Things seriously need to change in America before its too late. How much longer until major corporations totally control our government?! And that imported seafood link someone posted just reinforces the fact that they look the other way. 95% WOULD HAVE BEEN REJECTED!!!! Thats not blatant ignorance!? Ok I feel better now lol.


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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I have a good one for you:

Have you heard about the mother who is filing a lawsuit against starbucks because she ordered a coffee and when she picked it up, as always it did not have the holder. you know the one that id available on the side by the sugar. she picked up the coffee and because it was hot, let me see ask for hot coffee and get hot coffee, common sense right, no not common sense. she feels the cup and drops it because its hot. drops it on her child. Now she is suing because starbucks failed to have the cup holder on the cup already.

we live in a society where many people have been taught that if you fail, its not your fault but someone else instead. so of course why not blame someone else, its easier than thinking that you yourself are just too inept an individual to function properly.

And plain and simple, some people just see dollar bills when they screw up, "its not my fault, its his and I'm suing".

Or how about this one : "you didn't lose you just came in second", I don't know about about you but when there are only two groups/ individuals, one is the winner and the other lost. Try harder next time.
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+1 with Noob

I had a customer the other day that came in with his kid. The child had to have been maybe 6 tops. He let the kid run around and make noise while he was trying to talk to me. He was holding a medication in his hands when the kid ran up slapped it out of his hands and ran off laughing. He sighed, looked up at the ceiling, then bent down and picked it up like nothing had happened. I don't know about anyone else on here but even if the thought crossed my mind to slap something out of my dad's hands while we were out and he was talking to someone, that's all it would have done, crossed my mind and been done with it. I knew if I ever did anything like that it would be a HUGE mistake and there would be repercussions I wasn't willing to pay. It's ridiculous that you need a license to drive or operate certain machinery but any clown can have 2.5 or more kids.

I especially like the bumper stickers that have been cropping up ever since the "honor student" ones got old. We have "citizen of the month" and "my child got an honorable mention for doing some mediocre finger painting in art class" and "my child wipes his own butt". It's great to celebrate success and achievement but to celebrate mediocrity in every endeavor is a diservic in the end. You end up with a bunch of self important, self entitled, clowns for everyone else to deal with.

Mediocrity is always at it's best.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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It isn't the food that makes kids fat, it's the laziness. I was a skinny kid who LOVED MCDonalds It was no prob burning off the happy meals because I was outside playing all day.

It's too much fun to stay indoors and play video games now. Technology is making us fat and lazy.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Man when i was a kid there were no video games and no cable you were lucky if you had HBO . I was always out side playing baseball handball or basketball till sundown . Now kid are home stuffing there face and playing video game . Im a parent my kids drink no soda or juice only water and dont like being in the house . There always outside running and playing. Its the parents falt for letting there kids get so fat not the food chains.


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McDonalds and such are bussinesses that are in it to win it.Most of us have what we call Freedom of Choice and we go to all lengths to protect it.We want, what we want, when we what it and we forget about family values, loving yourself and self descipline.Oh, common sense .You have to love yourself before you can love THE KIDS.We now have all kinds of media to educate about the dangers that lerk in our foods etc.Keep in mind that we all had fat class mates so stop it,regaurdless people are more health consious today than ever and living longer.The population is growing steadily so don't expect the government is going to step in and do anything any time soon. The choose is your's you pay now or later it's up to you .Don't blame the kids i've never seen an infant or young child in a McDonalds drive through or giving an order without a parent or gaurdian present.Bottom line is parents have to take control.


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Amen Dre. I'm proud to be an "old fashioned parent." My kids don't have video games (well they do have a Leapster for math and spelling games). They are in basketball and baseball leagues, swimming and aren't allowed TV in the morning or afternoon. Sports during the year are contingent on good school grades.

It's incredible how lazy people are today. They bring young children to rated R movies because they don't want to get a sitter. They buy them expensive toys without teaching them the value of money. No punishments. No quality family time. And then they wonder why their kids are such schmucks.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I blame the current paranoia about pedophiles et al stealing children for keeping kids off the streets and out of the fields, playing. Every parent I meet is sure that if they let their little kids wander the neighborhood they'll be snatched.

...Nevermind the fact that the rate of such things happening is about the same as it was 30 years ago, when no one gave a damn.

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