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Advanced Reefer
Ozone Park
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Under what circumstances do you post a negative feedback for someone ?
I ask this because of the recent issue at hand that I read with CoralCruz & Stage and hope that an issue like that does not happen to anyone else.

I did however come across a few funny people here on MR
Example 1:
A member put a for sale thread up and when I replied (keep in mind I was the 1st one to reply to the ad within a few seconds or within1-3 minutes of the post)the seller states the item was pending sale or it was sold already.
Example 2:
Someone was selling an item and they say they were in the process of moving (could understand that) but they come to the area close to me every weekend and they never follow through with the sale.

I know paying for an item and never receiving it is grounds for a neg.
Would you consider the 2 EXamples I mentioned as grounds for a negative feedback aswell.

If the mods can post some type of guideline, I would and I'm sure others would benefit from it.


MR's Greatest Member
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How can you leave NEG feedback for that? I listed an item on craigslist and another site, listed on this one last. Had a MR member right me 2 minutes after the post, but already had someone from the other site paypal me the money. So that would solve your first issue if that was the case. And the 2nd one, they were moving and probably forgot all about it maybe? I don't know. I have had my share of flakes on here as well and it is annoying.


Advanced Reefer
Ozone Park
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In a situation like that.. In MHO the seller should also state that in the thread that he has multiple listing on other sites. That way at least the buyer is informed.
As far as the second issue about forgetting. I sent a reconfirmation a month later if the item was still for sale and the seller stated yes. said he would call later when he was by his tank to let me know what other items he was willing to part with and never did. How do you forget twice and 3 times? Yeah i know.. thats why i think there should be some sort of guideline.


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How can you get mad over something like that?Maybe they just don't trust you and that's OK in my book .You have that right.I sent a member 2 PM's he finally responded and said he didn't respond because he didn't know how i was LOL. :duh:


Advanced Reefer
Ozone Park
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Think thats why there are Reefer Ratings..so someone can feel a little more confident in putting a little trust in you. I would more likely buy from you Dre than someone with no rating or with 2 ratings.


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When you have either a good or bad experience with a transaction post the appropriate feedback.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
Rating - 99.4%
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and realize people have the choice to sell to whom ever they choose, ive bypassed people before if a personal friend pm's or calls me telling me they want it, or people ive done business with before always get first right with me, now if i said yes it is yours then it is your's, till then the item is no one's but mine. you can use another example, how about you pm that you wtb something from me and dont get in contact back for a day or so, should i leave you bad feedback ? ive sold enough stuff and been put on hold to never hear back from them or ask me to wait and i miss selling the item to others, then the person who asked me to wait a week doesnt have the money. if it isn't paid for then no one has a right to the item


LE Coral Killer
Flushing, NY
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In the first situation, maybe someone PMed/called instead and didn't post so it was pending/sold.
In the second situation, I usually try to get a cell # to call and confirm before having to meet anybody. If they still don't show but they tell you in advance, then that's fine to me. If they flake without telling me, then that should be grounds for a neg.
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Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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You wouldnt now if you were the first to answer the listing . You and other people on the site could have been looking a the page at the same time. So if you go to bestbuy and talking to a rep about a TV and its the last one and you tell him you will take it, but somone there a that same time talking to other rep just bought it .What your going to get made or look for somthing else.


Barnum Island
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For Example # 1 - as per the site rules:
"Items for Sale:
First Post option: It is common courtesy to sell a priced item to the first person that responds publicly that they will buy the item with no strings attached. You are free to sell the item to the last person that responds, or not deal with specific individuals, but this is generally enough to earn you a reputation as a ?bad reefer?. If you have a similar item for sale as another member please post it in another thread being sure to not badmouth anyone else in that thread. Price negotiations should be kept to PM?s and not posted publicly in threads. '

Posting first does not guarantee you the right to the item. You also have no way of knowing if someone else saw the post and sent an RB or picked up the phone and called the seller.
Therefore, you should not be leaving the person negative feedback.

Example # 2 -
Again from the Site Rules:
"Ratings: We have an online trader rating system. If you want to publicly complain about a transaction or experience, post a rating or keep the conversation in Private Messages (PMs). Do not publicly attack another reefer as the result of a trade gone wrong. If you have any major issues, contact a moderator immediately this means both buyers and sellers. If one party backs out please reflect it in their feedback. Threads started to bash other members for sales gone bad will be deleted."

Common sense should dictate whether to leave someone negative ratings, unless you know the seller well, you have no idea what else may be going on in their lives. Best to try and contact the seller through PM's or by phone and see if something can be worked out for pick up/delivery.

Do keep in mind that is it most common for the buyer to pick up from the seller unless other arrangements were made in advance.

The full site rules can be viewed here:
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