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Wanted to share my most recent project i've been working on for my house. Plus i wanted to share it so you all get a break from seeing all the pine stands, hoods, and radiators that have been popping up on the site recently. Ive been redecorating a bit getting the apt ready for when the fiancee moves in so there's been a few additions to my man cave as of recent.

Here's a desk/storage area i've been working on the past 2 days, well one of my workers as a filler job between other jobs but i helped when i had a free second or two. Needed a little extra storage space and a new computer desk. Had some nice walnut sheets lying around from an old job and descided on using it up to make room at work. Its about half way done. I also built a maple with mahagony butcherblock style counter island for my kitchen and a bedroom set which i just need to snap pics of and post.

The whole cabinet is simple and modern. Flat panels for the faces to match my fishtank thats on the other side of the room. Plus time is an issue in getting these cabinets done as its a filler job between other work that actually pays.

Anyways, Enjoy.


Here is the front paneling layout for the large cabinet.

Very simple interiors, 1/2" prefinished maple boxes for the drawers. Larger lower drawer here is a filing cabinet drawer. Going to use soft close accuride slides for everything except the file cabinet drawer.


All the cabinets are pretty much glue and Kregs pocket hole screws. I have the hydraulic Kregs drill so it makes it easy.


Some built in scribing for the desk chair opening. The whole cabinet is wall to wall and there will be scribing on the sides of the unit as well.


Some scrap solid walnut I had lying around from another job thats going to be used for the edge of the desk top. Glued together today, tomorrow its going to be lamello'ed to the edge and shaped. Got the Hoffman lipping planer a while back that makes setting edges like this a breeze.


Base Detail. Theres going to be adjustable legs to level the cabinets behind that to make installation easy.


Theres still floating shelves that will go above the desktop secured to the wall and the tall cabinet with built in recesses for some LED light strips, well maybe since they are a little dim. And the faces for the drawer fronts need to be cut and edged and a few other minor things. And the finish which im going to slightly darken and then put a quick high gloss finish on. Still desciding between a good high gloss precat laquer or polyester with a quick sand and buff.
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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Very nice use of walnut with maple.

Maple walnut and cherry are my favorite woods.

I recently inherited my fathers wood shop. Do you know a reasonable supplier of nice woods in the Long Island area? I am looking to build some around the house kind of things and the only place I have found so far is Lowes.

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