Yeah, I've been actually doing pretty well with the dog, in terms of training.
Tricks - sit, down, up, stay (to some degree lol), and the best and my favorite of all - bang bang (he drops on to his back and puts his paws up) so cute.
But uh.. I guess I just wanted a more in depth class, but I'm finding out that they might not be able to teach anymore than that, unless I really go to some pro. So I think I'll just take it up more my self.. and see if I can find some good training tips online.. lol
Jarret its a Yorkie Poo (Yorkshire Terrier - Poodle) We just adopted him like 3 weeks ago... he's 1.5 years old.
I've been pretty successful (only cause I've been watching the dog whisperer religiously.. sorta lol)
If any one knows any really good training sites they could point me to that'd be great.. but for now I guess I'll be googling.