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Well ,my fellow Jewish memebers.Another year has gone by for us.Now it time to ask for forgiveness ,This Is the time when jewish ppl fast for 27 hrs.This is our way of asking G-D to forgive us for all the worng we have donethrogh out the year .

So 1st ,if i did anythng to offened anyone in anyway shape or form ....,I ask for them to forgive me :approve:

2cd ,I hope all who are fasting to have a easy fast .and a Great new year to come . :hug:

As for the nonjewish Member ,,Watch out on that day ,dont walk next to us with a pizza or burger ,,,GRRRRRRRRRR,,,JKING ,, :grouphug:

Anyway ,wishing everyone a healthy and easy fast ,,TZom KAL!!!!!!Gmar chatima tova!!!!,,,,AND Happy New year ,
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I thought the point of fasting was to atone for my sins. If I have to also apologize to everyone I've wronged during the course of the year, I'm screwed.

I guess spending the day with my mother in law and the rest of my wife's insane family in the small apartment her mother now lives in will make up for my not making amends with a whole group of people (Australia, I'm sorry. It was an accident. Please lift the ban so I can come back)


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Crakeur lost his password said:
I thought the point of fasting was to atone for my sins. If I have to also apologize to everyone I've wronged during the course of the year, I'm screwed.

I guess spending the day with my mother in law and the rest of my wife's insane family in the small apartment her mother now lives in will make up for my not making amends with a whole group of people (Australia, I'm sorry. It was an accident. Please lift the ban so I can come back)
guess you have to apologize to them for this as well ,,lol

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