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hi there, I use the austin air healthmate; I have two of the regular size, and one junior (http://www.natlallergy.com/prod/1603/austin-air-healthmate-hm400-hepa-air-purifiers.html). They are very quiet, and don't draw too much electricity. Austin air were the air cleaners distributed by the feds to folks living below canal street post9/11. They are a bit pricey, but worth it. I bought two of mine on craigslist from folks who got them for free in the fed program, but had never used them (they cost about $100 [un]used, with the extra filter); you might try looking around before buying new.

I also have liked the blueair--they are a little less bulky and may fit into a space decoratively a bit better--and the IQAir, which is what I have seen used in several hospice and hospital settings, but they are the most expensive.

No high quality air cleaner will have a permanent filter, although they vary in terms of how often you must change them. PM if you want more information or feedback.

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