I could keep my 98 volvo wagon or use it as a trade in for my wife's new car a 2009 subaru forrester or I could keep her 2003 subaru forrester and trade in the wagon. The difference if I keep the volvo wagon and trade in the 2003 subaru is about $160 in monthly payments.
I'm just thinking about all the extra money I could put into the fish tank instead or whatever else I decide to do with it........
I take a train into the city so I really don't need a very reliable car....On the flip side the volvo is a gas guzzler getting 18mpg around town and 22mpg on the highway plus it's very expensive to maintain...
I'm just thinking about all the extra money I could put into the fish tank instead or whatever else I decide to do with it........
I take a train into the city so I really don't need a very reliable car....On the flip side the volvo is a gas guzzler getting 18mpg around town and 22mpg on the highway plus it's very expensive to maintain...
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