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Old School Reefer
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As far as I can remember,I was always fascinated by them and the possibly of life on other planets.Also as a catholic,I have to believe in god and that's when the conflict of interests come in.My faith is unshakable but I also have questions regrading our existence on this planet and the possibility that Alien engineering was a factor in our creation.I would hate to think that We are the only ones in the entire galaxy and if we are,that's pretty pathetic.Please share Serious views on this.I would like to hear your thoughts on this subject.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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I don't think religion and ufo's really have to conflict. I mean if there is a god it could have created other planets and negleted to tell it's creations that it created others.
But my way of thinking has me believe that we cannot be the only intelligent life forms in the universe. If we're one in a trillion chance to occur theres more than a trillion other possibilities elsewhere. And I think the way we're going about looking for other life forms is totally wrong, even the SETI institute agrees that if there were life forms using radio waves, by the time it gets to us it would look like background noise anyways. And scientists looking for planets with water I think is completely stupid, that more seems like we're looking for other planets to colonize. How do we know that needing water is the exception in the universe instead of the rule?

Reef Mongoose

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I think it would be flat out arrogant of us to believe that we are the only planet in the entire universe which has life. A universe which consists of billions of galaxies each made up of billions of stars which could each have planets orbiting them. The odds are just to great that somewhere out there is another planet that has life. I don't think that life on this planet was started by an alien race but it certainly is possible. In fact it's much more likely that life on this planet was started by aliens than by God. I only believe that which I have evidence to believe and at this point the evidence points to life emerging on this planet as single celled organisms and evolving from there.


Advanced Reefer
Ridgefield, NJ
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I also believe there's life out there somewhere. Not too long ago we believed only the earth like environment can have life form however we went down deep ocean and the most hostile environment, zero sun light and vocanic area has more life form than any other places in the earth.

So there's great chance that even close planet with solar system can carry some form of life.


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Arg. Aliens and Catholicism. OhEmGee. :tub:

Two completely controversial topics, and both are unproven and highly argumentive on the "facts". I don;t even think that its even possible to link the two in any sort of argument to prove ones faith or guide it in any way, if thats what your trying to do. Im a Catholic too. Please don't try to mix in the two. And if your really worried about talking about aliens and how that might clash with you beeing a catholic you have more things going on for you to really be worrying about (insert picture of overzealous zealots from westbury baptist church)

But thats a different topic all together.

Anyways, on to some more fun stuff to talk about.

I <3 astrology and archeology and new stuff nasa throws out to the public. Im always checking out news that pops up on space exporation, and play with the blogs and posts and articles on stuff nasa releases when they do. Its fun and always a good read. Plus i have a big soft spot for a good conspiracy theory read.

Im going to give you a quick cliff notes about it since its 2AM, plus its more fun if you go do the research yourself =0)

I stumbled upon those new pictures of the mars man, face on mars ect. and started clicking through links and googling things that came up in the articles about them. And i remembered about something i heard about NASA saying they found a 10th planet, just about the same time someone tried to disprove pluto as a planet and stuff. Forgot the exact story, think it was in the early or mid 90's or something. might have been late 90's. Started googling for old news reports and came upon something called Planet X.

Planet X

Another Planet X link

Which, among some circles, is supposed to be the end of the world for us. Think some scientist in china started running the calculations on the original nasa findings ect on the planet and said sometime around 2012 this massive planet is supposed to enter our solar system. Alot of the interest in the planet was due to observations of pluto, discrepancies in the orbits on uranus and another planet in relation to the reported gravitational pull of pluto, and that pluto was too small to actually create that much of an impact on those planets beeing the size it is. And all this through recordings that have been taken since 1930 or something.

So, the discrepancies of the orbits of the planets started getting people thinking that there is something else past pluto that has a good enough gravitational pull that only comes around every 100-1000 (3600 year orbit i think) years or so. And this is where the planet X theory comes in and why people have been spending time trying to figure out more on a disproved planet by NASA. According to the guy in china who did all the math, the planet is supposed to come through our solar system close enough, and through calculations on how uranus and the other planet were affected the path is close enough to affect earths spin and orbit. And something about our earths rotation beeing stopped for a day or so, causing havoc and who knows what else.

Thats the quick story behind Planet X.

Now, coincidentally, planet X and the rough time on the end of the world were both sorta documented in one of the testaments, and supposedly what i read online was that someone made the link after the guy in china set the date that the numbers or whatever translation in one of the testaments actually points real close to the 2012 date.

Now, ontop of this one amazing story comes a complete side story linking planet X with old archaeological finds.

Nibiru and the Anunnaki

Thats a descently quick start to the rest of the story and how it links to historical beliefs on the subject. There have been pictures and reports of archaeologists finding engravings and heirogliphics depicting airplanes perfectly rendered, with wings, tailfin and rudder. And the complete solar system, including pluto, perfectly to size and ratio of each other with an added planet X with a large orbit. And that some old society was actually mixed with aliens during one of the passings of Planet X, which is called niribu (i think). Its heavily documented in alot of sumerian/mesapotamian findings and artifacts.

Anyways. You have to read it. Or its really no fun. And do more google searches on different stuff because im sure the sites i linked are only half of the good reads.

And if you really want to read some fun stuff look up on recent pictures of mars taken and the "Mars Man" (little man in the background sitting on a rock on a picture from nasa on mars) or the info on the structures found on mars and how people are breaking down the face on mars and stuff.

You can talk about green men and fake UFO videos and photos all you want. But these articles are more fun. Completely conspiracy theory but still a fun and interesting find. Plus having history 3k+ years ago talk about something just found recently, plus testament scriptures supporting them is great.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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The Catholic Church? Are we talking about the same church that had Galileo branded a heretic and imprisoned him for promoting heliocentrism?

When it comes to the universe and religion I like to deist approach to the subject.



Old School Reefer
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The Mayan calender also has us pegged for the 2012 end date as well but also can be taken as a new beginning.I'm sure Nasa is looking for other inhabitable planets since we're destroying this one ever so swiftly.I believe there was life on Mars thousands of years ago and possibly moved or just simply perished.Amazing how the earth is still here even through Millions of years and of evolution and destruction.Even with the threats of Asteroids and other outer space threats,It seems someone or something is keeping us safe from those threats.I'm sure the Sun will eventually burn out one day and the moon may take heavy damage and kill us all but not for Millions of years I believe.We're not doing a good job taking care of this planet and no one can disagree.

Reef Mongoose

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Mayan Calender says December 21 2012 is the end of days........you have to wonder about a prediction from a society that created one the most accurate calenders ever conceived and they did it over two thousand years ago. That is pretty damn impressive.


Old School Reefer
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I'll say.Where in the world would they get that kind of knowledge from?:scratch:Perhaps a helpful hand from Et's?Like the Pyramids,Stonehenge,etc?After Roswell,there grew the technological age in a short 200 something years of U.S history and We're pretty advanced for such a young country.Gotta love the History channel and the Discovery and NG as well.Not to say humans are stupid but I'm sure there are other more advanced life forms out there.Hell,even dolphins are probably smarter than us.lol


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As far as other life there is ..we just keep on looking for them to be like us oxygen breathing bodies and thats where we miss the point.Why does it have to be just like us?There probably some other type of body or form thats being used as bodies to operate.


Im BaAaAcK
Bedford Hills
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I used to have this UFO book back when i was younger that i loved reading from time - time because it was based on real encounters in NY, yes I said NY... the actual basis was of the Hudson Valley encounter of 1980 if i am not mistaken on the year, maybe '81 where suddenly on the saw mill/sprain parkway people started to see formations in the sky that was so crazy looking it actually stopped traffic ...

My theory is, just like the ocean being so large and vast and alot of it not explored yet, same goes for our universe and well you mean to tell me we are the only living organisms on the face of the solar system???


Old School Reefer
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Indeed,the universe is dense and pretty much endless and it would take Millions of years to explore it even at light speed.They did say that space can be warped or bent to make short cuts.That may explain that's how et's get here from far distances.One of Einsteins theories perhaps?


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I would imagine "Aliens" would have the technology to create wormholes of some sort to travel.The human race can only think in lightspeeds...there maybe speed we can't comprehend.

...Think of this what makes you so sure that the aliens are not living among us right now....


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Here's a quote for the Mayan end of days:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. - 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun. This time period is ruled by 4 Earth. This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4 Earth (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings, including: movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue tracking, turtle. In the Maya language, the word "ol" of ollin means consciousness.[/FONT]
It sound like a new era will happen..a large solor flare? will fry all our electrionic and create a new age of darkness.


Old School Reefer
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I respect their knowledge but Scientist don't put that kind of faith like they do with Darwin even though it's just theories.This end of days theory has been debatable for centuries.2012 would most likely mean change and hopefully for the better.

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