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Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that I'm a student dentist at Columbia University. Our clinic is on 168th street, between Fort Washington and Broadway. We accept most insurances! Because we're a teaching institution, students do most of the work while being supervised by our world-class faculty. This translates to dental work that costs less and is cheaper than that which you'd find at a private office. Please let me know if you'd be interested in becoming a patient at our clinic! You can contact me or visit the link below for more information.




Barnum Island
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Hey Charles..this is a really great thread considering how many companies offer such low benefit dollars on dentistry these days!
I'm sure some members are thinking..who wants to have a student work on me?...Fear not, when in these learning/teaching environments, the students are closley supervised by 'real' dentisits AND facilities like this have all the latest, greatest equipment..for you comfort :)
I wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of such an offer as Charles has made here..except of course that for me it's a long ride! lol

Charles...do they also accept folks that have no dental insurance?..or insurance that is truly minimal?
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We are closely supervised by faculty every step of the way, sometimes annoyingly so =). Many of our faculty are part time or volunteers. Most have private practices elsewhere and donate their time to help us students. What this means is they have many years of experience and know what they're doing. They are at a university so they stay on top of new technology and science; it also keeps them accountable for their actions because many of their colleagues will see the same patient as well. The only downside is most procedures will be longer because we're students and learning, plus every step has to be checked off by faculty.

Now for the question of insurance. I've been told that our clinic accepts most types of insurance but to be honest with you almost 100% of the patients I see are Medicare/Medicaid. If you need to get the dental work done, I can almost guarantee that it'll be cheaper at our clinic (vs. private office). I urge you to call the number provided and just ask if they accept your insurance. Lastly, we are currently starting up a free clinic. We have a dental van that goes to different locations around Harlem. Currently we only provide minimal services (due to insurance issues and more) but the vision is to have it provide comprehensive care. Oh yea, if Columbia is too far for you, try NYU.

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