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well, as usual, when life gets too hectic, the tank suffers.... I'm applying for a new job - one that will allow me to stop working the four (sometimes five) jobs that I now work and concentrate on ONE place, ONE set of people, ONE set of problems (no matter how complex), ONE (large) set of stake-holders.... I am being voted upon as we speak.

I have NO idea whether I'll get this particular job I've been interviewing for, and I can say that I will be okay no matter which way this thing goes. Suffice to say, however, that if I ~do~ get this particular job, I'll be one VERY happy camper by the end of the week.

In the mean time, though, I have been for FOUR interviews with these folks - each lasting well over two hours. The last one went from 8:30 p.m. to 11:00!!!!!!!

Long story short (maybe not short enough) is that with all my energy focused out of my apartment, my tank is suffering - which always happens. I am hoping to get back on track very soon (with HOF help, possibly...), but in the mean time, that explains why I've been off the boards (but not off chat - I've been there plenty!)

miss you all and can't wait for the swap!



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I know how you feel, my job takes up so much of my free time that I've been staring at an empty tank and tons of equipment for months now...without any time to even begin putting it all together.
I wish you luck on your new venture!


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I'm in Jewish Education.

...today I start over again. Thanks for the positive wishes and Jim, I'll call you.

For now, I refill the top-off, clean out the skimmer cup, add some B-ionic, make lunches for my kids, get dressed and go to work. The weather will be a good excuse for my mood and hopefully by tomorrow I'll have something new on the horizon that I can dream may turn out great.


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:sad2: Tahl you're killin me now.

Did you ever think about public education? Is there anything else that you ever considered doing? Oh and Call Jim please.


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i can't imagine doing any ed but the ed work i was trained to do... i teach all ages from infant to adult. I do clergy work at the same time that I do ed work, and I work in community - I ~could~ do public ed, but it's not my passion, and I'm afraid it would just drain me.

but i'll do what i need to do to keep my family afloat.


Old School Reefer
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Tahl, I guess I didn't cross enough fingers :sad2:
I know with your persistence and more importantly, your intelligence, something will come through.

Hang tough and make sure you give James a call. Wish I were closer. :(



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thanks guys -- Jim is coming over tonight and I've got long boot straps, thank goodness. I'm picking myself up and sending out more resumes tonight.

i've got myself convinced that it'll be okay.

clearly, that was not the place I was meant to work. I'll return to this thread with more dings maybe but eventually with great news of a fantastic job offer, I'm sure.


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