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LE Coral Killer
Flushing, NY
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I think the whole concept is great, but how much of it really goes towards mass transit is questionable. One year its a $100M surplus of money, the next its $300M in debt. They either have some really bad accounting, or some pretty bad corruption IMO.


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I don't like it, they should have a provision for people who live in the area that will be effected. I'm going to have to pay $8 every time I drive home during 6am -6pm.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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It just suck. It's not going to cut down on traffic as cars and trucks that need to come into the city for business, are going to continue coming. The additional costs, that business are going to have to pay for deliveries, will then be passed on to the consumer.

Also they're going to have EZ-Pass or collection setup points which will cause traffic jams.


Fairfield NJ
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Its pretty dumb. I come from jersey I would have to pay 8 bucks to get into the city then 8 bucks to drive through midtown. Its kind of pointless. How about minimizing and enforcing taxi rules. They cause a lot more traffic stoping in the middle of the roads for fares.


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Its pretty dumb. I come from jersey I would have to pay 8 bucks to get into the city then 8 bucks to drive through midtown. Its kind of pointless. How about minimizing and enforcing taxi rules. They cause a lot more traffic stoping in the middle of the roads for fares.

I agree it's dumb, but it's also a way for the city to rake in more money.
Like the taxes are not high enough here as it is.


Rating - 98.8%
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My suggestion is to call your reps in Albany (their offices at least) and tell them how you feel about it. They should vote accordingly. Manhattan residents have representation there too.


Advanced Reefer
Hudson Yards
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I don't like it, they should have a provision for people who live in the area that will be effected. I'm going to have to pay $8 every time I drive home during 6am -6pm.

This was my very first thought when I hear of Bloomberg's a$$inine, rich man's idea. Just one more way the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is getting screwed. Hey, what's another $8 a day when you're a billionaire?

I wanna stop global warming as much as the next person, but this is not going to have the impact Bloomberg's been pitching. It's like hacking off your leg and then using a band-aid to control the bleeding. We need to stop using fossil fules, and not just here but across the planet. Besides, the vast majority of green house gasses generated in and around NYC comes from buildings. They account for over 80% on NYC's carbon footprint.

When I lived in Manhattan I had to have a car to get to my job outside the city. It was the only job I could get after getting laid off and being out of work for a year following 9/11. Between parking, insurance, gas and everything else it was insanely expensive. I could have lived in a big 1+ bedroom apartment instead of a 500 sq ft. studio for what having a car in the city cost me.

As for now, I already take mass transit to work every day. All it will mean is I won't go into the city on the weekends anymore to do stuff. Even if I could get a parking spot at the train station, Metro North doesn't run often enough on weekends and would be too much a pain in the butt. I'm sure White Plains will be more than happy to have me spend my entertainment dollars here...and I'll have more money for frags too!
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Advanced Reefer
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well its not like mass transit is any cheaper.take me for example.it costs me around 10 dollars for gas a day back and forth to my job everyday.if i took mass transit it would be around 8 dollars for lirr and 4 dollars for the nyc subway plus i would need to leave 1/2 hour earlier everyday.so what conjestion priceing does is make it more expensive to drive so people would use the cities transportation,make them more money and screw me from having a comfortable life and take my choices away.JMO


Rating - 98.2%
55   1   0
if government taxes this then we are really screwed and we are opening up the flood gates for other rediculous taxes, whats next paying taxes for using highways? all this is, is a way for the city to make more people to take mass transit to remind us all how bad it really is. its a farce and as far as mike is concerned , it s a way to make the streets easier to drive on when he has to drive there. and as the governor says, driving is a priviledge and only the privileged deserves to be in manhattan, they should really post who voted for it. they are corrupt IMHO.


Fairfield NJ
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I agree it's dumb, but it's also a way for the city to rake in more money.
Like the taxes are not high enough here as it is.

The people who usually drive in park in parking garages or get ticked for not parking in the right spots. I feel they would make more money from the parking garages and tickets given for street cleaning. I think they would lose more money then gain.

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