i dont think u can really upgrade ur software if ur iphone has been hacked, u have tmobile? from what i heard, once u try to upgrade, itunes detects it and freezes it completely
yea thats why I'm not trying to upgrade through itunes. itunes basically bricks ur iphone; which can easily be 'unbricked'. i just figured someone in here had to know something about it.
I have a hacked iPhone and I haven't upgraded mine to 1.1.3. I think it all really depends on which method you used to hack it. The web-site where I got my license has upgrading options (all of which are a pain in the ass, but it's to be expected) - and they've only made it to 1.1.2 so far. The place where you got your unlock - don't they have upgrading options?
Take a look on craigslist I saw a post awhile back from a guy that does the unlock and/or upgrade for 30 bucks. If you dont mind me asking how much did you guys pay for your iphones? Do you buy them unlocked or just a iphone and unlocked it. I have been looking around and the unlocked ones run about 500. How do you like them?
go on google and look for Ziphone. but make sure you update your version to 1.1.3 the new hack for this version is soo much better than the version 1.1.1 or 1.1.2