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I just got back from the Dr.'s, after flying to SF I came down with a cold that has not gone away.

I thought I'd share the info the doc gave me.
He said flying was the one way to guarantee you will get sick. I knew it would increase the chances, but I did not realize how bad it was.

He recommended to carry hand sanitizer and use it pretty often. the key was not to touch something like armrest then touch your face.
I know it's common sense, but it's something you forget pretty easy when your on a long flight.

This will also apply to any public transportation, like our subways. wear gloves and don't touch your face :screama:

I hope you all can avoid this bug/cold it's not fun. It ends up in your sinuses, and I wish my head would just hurry up and explode and get it over with :dead1:


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Randy, the Doc said 100% you will expose yourself to every germ on the plane within 20' of your seat.

I'd take his advice and get the travel size hand sanitizers, and tell your son now about how important it is not to touch his face, especially rubbing your eyes, that's a big one to avoid. good luck! seriously :happysad:


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How do you know it was the plane and not the people your were hanging out with in Cali? Your just are having an immune reaction to leaving NYC.

A party will make you feel much better, ;) don't you think?


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I have had pink eye for a few days now and also I think I got strep throat to boot. I was on a plane the weekend of the super bowl. Being sick sucks!!!!!! :sick:


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Raleigh, NC
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I'd take his advice and get the travel size hand sanitizers.

Hand sanitizers are weakening the human race. The more sanitary our environment, the weaker our immune system becomes.

It's good to ingest some germs every now and then. I havnt been sick in years and i don't use no stinkin sanitizers. Knock on wood.


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now and then, yes, but on a plane your trapped in a petri dish so it might be good to think about protecting yourself. think of it like some other times when it's best to protect yourself ;)


Barnum Island
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Hand sanitizers are weakening the human race. The more sanitary our environment, the weaker our immune system becomes.

It's good to ingest some germs every now and then. I havnt been sick in years and i don't use no stinkin sanitizers. Knock on wood.

You had me going Wes, til I got to the knock on wood part...lol

Feel better Jonathan :)

My son came home from work tonight with what appears to be the flu...I'm going to avoid him like the plague...


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Wes is right about over sanitizing. Not only do the sanitizers kill bad germs, but good ones too. It was proven that kids that pick their nose and eat it get sick less often. The doctors said it was like getting a vaccine. The kids expose themselves to small amounts of germs and viruses that get caught up in the nose. Not enough to get sick, but enough to boost the immune system. I am not suggesting it or saying it is ok, but it was interesting to hear and it kind of makes sense.

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