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Thought I would share this with MR. As the title says most or all CompUSA stores are closing and they are going through some real deep discounts. Today I visited the 57th and 8th ave store and Saw this

Canon 40d Camera with kit lens $1049 original price for this camera is $1500.
Canon Rebel around $300
Canon rebel XTI $350
Nikon d40 $380
The prices on these cameras are sick They had others but these are slr.
I saw a huge 52 inch Hp lcd tv for under $1100.
An HTPC case with power supply for $30.
Obviously things were moving quick, Pc laptops were 30% off.
The only thing I was sadden by was Mac's were only reduced 10%.
Good luck shopping


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did they still have stuff? I went 2 weeks ago and it was 15-20% off, but their discounted prices are still higher that what you can find on the net.
Shop with a your head, it may not be that cheap.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Wow, I still remember when they had the GRAND opening of the store on 5th ave near 34th St. What's next? No more tokens for the subways? Damm I feel old all of a sudden :sick:


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did they still have stuff? I went 2 weeks ago and it was 15-20% off, but their discounted prices are still higher that what you can find on the net.
Shop with a your head, it may not be that cheap.
yeah. the one in sanfranscisco was going out. they jacked prices up 15% and then gave you 10% off. Not worth it.

I'll stop by tonight and check anyhow.

Yeah They still had those things 2 days ago, but they also had some stuff that was worthless to purchase because it was open boxed and about the same price that you can find elsewhere new if you looked. Like a sony Vaio that when last priced by them was $2399 they marked it down to 1999 but it was open box with one of those stupid neon stickers. Pc richard selling same laptop at same price but I didn't list those just the things that caught my eyes.
Right now they're 30-50% off everything except macs.

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