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Ok here goes.

What Cell Provider do you have?

Do you like it? (yes or no)

Do you have a problem with dead zones and dropped calls? What areas? Do you have nationwide service?

Trying to keep it short and sweet if possible.

bad coffee

Inept at life.
Rating - 100%
27   0   0
sure. I don't hate it.
lots of dropped calls in san francisco. It might have been my apartment. Yeah, I do have nationwide. Even with 'local' areas I was going in to roam. My home area was nyc and even working in jersey (which we all know is just a suburb of nyc) it would go into roam. nationwide is too cheap not to go for it.

i miss verizon. i used to get full service in the basement of all the theaters i worked in. Now I get two or less bars in the same place with AT&T. However, Verizon phones aren't SIM card capable, and they disable most of the multimedia capabilites (so you can't upload/download files,pics, ringtones) so I have to say i don't miss verizon for that. it's my phone, let me move what files i want!

Short enough for you?


Rating - 100%
27   0   0
LOL Brett I was talking about my statement keeping short if possible.


Experienced Reefer
Rating - 87.5%
7   1   0
Tmobile- Very few dropped calls (I use it in Westchester/nyc/NJ).
Excellent customer service
Regional Service (I have an old plan they dont offer anymore 3000 minutes $49.99)


Senior Member
Rating - 100%
42   0   0
Ever Since AT&T took the name back from Cingular, the service is really horrible.. Back then Cingular was good.. I have T-Mobile, Cingular, and Nextel.. I am happy with T-Mobile. Nextel I only use it for walkie.. If you wanna the best service out there, it will be verizon. Even tho I am a dealer which I don't carry verizon...


Barnum Island
Rating - 100%
200   0   0
Nationwide but does suffer from dropped calls on LI
Cust service is awful
Lousy service on the Cross Island Parkway in 3 different spots..must be driving on that road too much.

And IF you happen to have their Dash phone (which I love), and want a replacement set of ear buds..file it under fat chance. How can they continue selling a phone that has no accessories available for it???
No, I do NOT want a Bluetooth so that I can look like the local looney walking around and talking to myself....


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
5   0   0
Verizon, had it for almost 10 yrs, service everywhere. National coverage, Ct, NY NJ Chicago, Tulsa, Vegas, Dallas been everywhere NEVER had a dropped call. And for some reason I LOVE their Customer service.


120 Club Member
Norwalk, CT
Rating - 100%
20   0   0
tmobile. I need gsm due to frequent trips to London.

periodic dropped calls while driving, but this happens with any service provider
1000 nationwide minutes and free evening/weekends for $39 a month


Chairman of the board
Forest Hills
Rating - 100%
66   0   0
2 yrs ago, i went from verizon to att/cingular/t mobile or whatever it is call now.
drop calls in certain spots around ny city. even when i'm in the same house calling 1 room to the next. lol i went back to verizon
i hope their services have improved since then.

verizon does have its drawbacks, but the most important factor for me is reliabilty on connection.

Dj Orion

Advanced Reefer
Suffolk 11772
Rating - 100%
25   0   0
Cingular, used to love it, now I am beginning to hate it. i drive on jericho tpke on LI looking at the Att building and can see the tower in front of me, and am wondering why my call just dropped and have no service !?!


Rating - 100%
52   0   0
i've had almost all of them, with verizon now.
great service except for my house on LI, where there is a dead spot :irked:


No more big tanks
New York
Rating - 100%
30   0   0

I am with Sprint for 10 years now and I must say great improvments over the past 4 years...Great data speeds. Phone and services avalible for any purpose...Great service..

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