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Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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no :duh:

What is enabling Sony to pull off this coup is the fact that they will have sold 14.5 million Playstation 3 units worldwide by April 2008. That a lot of Blue Ray players in people's home.

Had Toshiba pushed harder to get Microsoft (which has sold 17.7 million units) to include the HD-DVD player standard in their sytems instead of an almost $200.00 add on maybe the results would have been differen

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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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im still not convinced either side has won the battle. Especially since no Adult movies will be available in blu-ray and HD-DVD has outsold blu-ray in other contries. You will find articles from both sides saying one has "Won the battle" It's all marketing hype. I think both formats will fail as we are already moving towards the the next format, which is data form, not on a physical disc.

With memory so cheap, and giants like itunes selling movies, it's only a matter of time.


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The only reason I have blu ray is because of my ps3 but if not I would buy Hd dvd.. Hd dvd has a much more feature rich menu and way cheaper cost in hardware with better promotions... The benifits of blu ray are better security which only helps the studio's and more room in the disc for whatever they please.
I hate format wars and sony always seems to be involved in them but they make good products it's sad they don't think about consumers Toshiba tried to work with them even holding back their release but sony did not and given their past failures at beta, md, and sacd.Those formats failed at there thoughts that these medians would replace their supposed replacements. (Beta vs vcr, Md vs Dat Vs Tape, Sacd vs Hdcd vs Cd). At the end I just hope someone comes out with something to stomp on them both or it's one or the other.
BTW Microsoft is supossedly set to release the Xbox360 Ultimate with built in Hd dvd, a massive Hard drive, and a Browser to name a few updates.


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well there is plenty of room for debate here. regarding the ps3 format-- this had a minimal effect on sales because if everyone can remember, the sales were really slow. so they couldnt really effect the sales at the time. regarding the porn industry, yes they were the determining factor that helped vhs beat beta. but due to the internet times have changed. also, the blue ray dvd's allow more space on them for the bigger movies that are coming out. the 3 hour movies can fit on blue ray to go along with 7.1 surround sound. that is somthing that i have and use as a result of blue ray. its nice to get my sound that i paid for. you can now get a blue -ray dvd player for $199. now with sales of the ps3 picking up it will even increase there sales for sure. shame on microsoft not including it as standard on the 360. to many different units. people arent going to buy all of them.


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I was just going to say the same thing about the porn industry having less clout with a format war due to easy access to porn on the internet. I suspect DVD sales are down with adult titles as well as the standard Hollywood fare.

The article in the Times did not strike me as a partisan one, arguing for the benefit of one over the other. Just that with Warner Bros. throwing their weight behind Blue-ray the majority of the big Hollywood studios are now with Sony. That's nothing to sneeze at. Nothing is definitive, but the statement from Toshiba that they are evaluating what their next action would be in light of Time Warner's announcement says to me they're taking it quite seriously.


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who cares! i say just connect ur computer to ur tv and download torrents :) nothing like free movies, games and music to take the man down! :)viva la internet

I personally respect intellectual property. But aside from that, downloading a movie from the internet and watching it on my 50 inch plasma - it will look like crap. The resolution offered will not be equivalent to a regular DVD. I got an HDTV so things can look good!
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Love da Reef-er
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The only reason I have blu ray is because of my ps3 but if not I would buy Hd dvd.. Hd dvd has a much more feature rich menu and way cheaper cost in hardware with better promotions... The benifits of blu ray are better security which only helps the studio's and more room in the disc for whatever they please.
I hate format wars and sony always seems to be involved in them but they make good products it's sad they don't think about consumers Toshiba tried to work with them even holding back their release but sony did not and given their past failures at beta, md, and sacd.Those formats failed at there thoughts that these medians would replace their supposed replacements. (Beta vs vcr, Md vs Dat Vs Tape, Sacd vs Hdcd vs Cd). At the end I just hope someone comes out with something to stomp on them both or it's one or the other.
BTW Microsoft is supossedly set to release the Xbox360 Ultimate with built in Hd dvd, a massive Hard drive, and a Browser to name a few updates.

What is your PSN name............:tank:


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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shame on microsoft not including it as standard on the 360. to many different units. people arent going to buy all of them.

The xbox360 was released almost a year before blu-ray and hd-dvd hit the shelves. customers will soon have a choice. The HD-DVD HDMI version will probably cost at a competetive price w/ the PS3. Customers will still have the choice of cheaper console w/out HD-DVD. Shame on Sony for not hitting the mark and delaying the PS3 release for another year. They lost alot of customers and the wii will be the final nail in the coffin. j/k fanboys calm down lol

I personally respect intellectual property. But aside from that, downloading a movie from the internet and watching it on my 50 inch plasma - it will look like crap. The resolution offered will not be equivalent to a regular DVD. I got an HDTV so things can look good!

technically it could just as good as blu-ray if done right. U need lots of storage space. A guy i work w/ has over a terabyte of movies saved... A terabyte of storage isn't very expensive these days and it is quickly getting cheaper and cheaper.

I am talking about legal paid for downloads that are top quality of course :)
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Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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I agree, the movies can be done right if you rip them at a high quality. I rip DVDs I own because my kids like to use them as frisbees. I have them on a NAS hard drive and can watch them through my PS3. The average movie takes about 6.5gb of space.

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im still not convinced either side has won the battle. Especially since no Adult movies will be available in blu-ray and HD-DVD has outsold blu-ray in other contries. You will find articles from both sides saying one has "Won the battle" It's all marketing hype. I think both formats will fail as we are already moving towards the the next format, which is data form, not on a physical disc.

With memory so cheap, and giants like itunes selling movies, it's only a matter of time.

That's an interesting observation for indicators of acceptance!!!!


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it's has alot to do w/ why betamax lost to VHS

this also shows that times have changed. the porn industry will not dictate the winner. there isnt as much as a demand for it because of the internet. in the 1980's there really wasnt a internet that let people access things online. now there is so the demand has dropped considerably. the stats on blue ray are clearly killing the hd dvd fight. its something everyone knows. if you have a blue ray dvd player and a 1080p setup with 7.1 surround sound like i do :D it truely is an amazing thing. those who have seen my system, know what i am talking about.

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