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Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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Hi...so, this is my first time in the nudi and I hope this is the right area....feel free to delete etc.

1) soooo, i'm looking for a PS2 so I can buy SIMS Castaway or something like that (obviously not or ME to play).

General control.
if you have any version of guitar hero w/ controller for a decent price that would be cool too.

2) I'm also in the market for a red tailed boa or corn snake. Prefer them to be under 1 yr no more than 2. This can come with or without acessories, but of course I do prefer that. I've looked around craigslist already, but if you know other places in NY/NJ potentially New Haven, CT, let me know.
I know you can get them at Petco for like 80$, but I've seen good package deals from individuals!
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