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chicks dig beckett men
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Here are our new additions. They are too small to be housed with my adult, so they will be living in temporary quarters over the next year. A 40 br. I'll post pics of that and more pics of these little guys later.


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Barnum Island
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They are adorable Chris!! How big will they be when they are adults?

Did you get the UV light from Mike's? The bulb had about 2 months of use on it...I'm sure the sleeve needs to be cleaned :) LMK if you are missing any of the parts to hook it up/on. I have a box of stray pieces.
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chicks dig beckett men
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Dean, Happy B-day. My adult is different from them. I can send you a link to their parents though. Mom has an amazing shell pattern.
Kathy, I got it, but didn't do anything with it yet. Not sure if I'm missing anything, but if so, I'll take care of it. The males grow 4 to 6 inches while the females grow well over 12 inches.
Phil, Chesapeake Bay Diamondback Terrapins. 2nd generation captive raised. My adult is actually more local. Plain old northern DBT. Cute face, but plain shell.
These guys are brackish, so they will have all the things my reef had for water quality, to include skimming and ozone (thanks lubu). Water quality is the hardest part about keeping aquatic turtles of any kind. My adult was kept in poor conditions by someone for well over a year before I got him and I can't tell you what my wife and I have gone through to save his shell.
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Oh no I see a ManhattanTerps.com site comming :eek:

Maybe a Terp-cafe.com, Terp-lounge.com, terpcentral.com, turtlesanctuary.com :lol2:
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chicks dig beckett men
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Usually, my wife names them, tending personality traits (i.e. one used to hide under the rocks whenever he saw us... wife named him Shady. Another got excited when we walked in the room, he flipped himself over... Flipper). Right now, these guys are so new, that not much of their behavior is definitive, so no names. Can't tell the sex when they are this young either. I have my assumptions, which are usually right, but we can't know for sure until they are between 1 and 2 years old. Temporary names she uses are "itty bitty" which is the smallest one and "chomper" which is the mid-sized one because he bites EVERYTHING. No name yet for the largest of the 3 hatchlings. Our adult is named Dave. I'm the one who named him. Don't know why or where it came from. Someone asked me his name and I said "Dave". Somehow, it stuck. I have a turtle named Dave. What an ass.
No web sites. www.whateverz.com. I'm done with them. Websites should be regarded as MOBI institutes. I've never seen a place where so much information is based off of little more than "I did it and my tank is THRIVING". People believe what they want to on websites... not what can be proven. If you go to a muscle car forum, people with a broken lawn mower and 3 screwdrivers in their garage tell you how to rebuild engines. I look at all other websites the same way, especially the zeo forum. I can photoshop too. If I were to trace anything I did wrong on my tank, I can link it back to a thread on one website or another.
JP, a lot of SW benefits with these guys (skimming, ozone, lighting), only a lot more difficult to keep clean, but much more forgiving should their parameters not be perfect. They also require strong lighting of several spectrums. You don't want to mess around with their lighting. You can cause severe shell deformities if you don't get it right as well as skin and eye issues.
I miss having a tank of full blown SPS colonies the size of my son's head. I miss the challenge. I miss what it looked like in my living room. The difference now is that I have time and money. My animals are very difficult to keep, but so much more forgiving should I do something with this extra time and money like go on an extended vacation and go back to diving reefs rather than keeping them. My electric bill is also 3/4 of what it used to be and I ran a very efficient reef.
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Chris at least your wife takes interest in your hobby, mine just gives me dirty looks.


chicks dig beckett men
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Chris at least your wife takes interest in your hobby, mine just gives me dirty looks.
Brendan, I see my wife has you fooled. The turtles are much more for her than they are for me. Either way, for all she has supported me through, my hobbies are a cake walk for her.
Here are some updated photos. I don't know if I can call this an overkilled turtle tank or an ultimate toy box. Either way, I had a lot of fun building it and I will do a thread in the DIY forum for anyone interested. Hope you like the photos. I'll take pics of the filtration system after I neaten it up a little.


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