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bad coffee

Inept at life.
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So, with all these people around who drink beer, and have science backgrounds/interest, who brews their own beer?

I've thought about getting into it lately, and am wondering if anyone around here brews. I'm looking for good books, sites, forums, ect. Where did you get most of your hardware? Is there a local homebrew store around? Stuff like that.

I've found and it seems pretty cool.



Senior Member
NYC - 10026
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I have have done it a bunch of times with ScottK and had excellent results. It's great to drink homebrew while making more homebrew.

last I checked there was no brewing equipment store in NYC, but we found one in Westchester that was ok. I remember there being some out in Jersey but they were kinda far from the city. Internet is probably your best bet for equipment / ingredients / recipes.

the brewing process is pretty simple and fun. The recipes are pretty straightforward. like making a 5 gallon cup of tea really. Proper sanitation is crucial.

make sure you keep your saltwater and beer buckets separate. ;)

also don't drink so much while bottling that you accidentally double the sugar needed for secondary fermentation....exploding bottles.:eek:

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


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I have been breweing beer for about eight years. Me and a buddy get together and will brew 10 gallon all grain batches. That's about six cases worth. Bottling it sucks, but is not bad to do on five gallon batches so we usually keg it. Like this hobby, brewing can be as simple or as complicated as you want.

We started out brewing on the stove, and moved on from there. There are not many good homebreing stores around, so I tend to order most of my ingredietns over the internet.

Mostly I order from these guys


One to Ignore
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Don't most FW planted tank keepers brew their own when they DIY their CO2.

The wine left over from my DIY CO2 have a sweet smell and sometimes my birds will drink it, my hamsters do not like it. I never try myself. .

Not really brewing, they just set up a fermenter. last I checked they started out with sugar water and pitch some yeast into it. The yeast will continue to ferment the sugar water until the alchol content get to high and kills of the yeast. (anywhere from 4-12% depending on the yeast) If it is sweet when it is done, then they are using more sugar than needed.


One to Ignore
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I force carbonate mine, it gives you more control over the amount of cabonation wich varies by beer style. It also allows you to get a creamier head.


Advanced Reefer
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I've also made my own beer, I actually did it in the lab using the autoclave to sterilize everything. The #1 issue with brewing beer is preventing bacterial contamination. Use the oven to heat all metal supplies, i.e. bottles/funnels/etc.

Homebrew when made well is DELICIOUS!

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