gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
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Hey.. they all do it ..
when you play is near the dugout the team yells out we got it or something

so... hey whatever it takes
but becareful next time he is up against them..


Advanced Reefer
Ridgefield, NJ
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Is it against the rules to say something to the opposite team? Or is it considered a play interference?

There's no rule for this kind of behavior. However, there's few rules that baseball players follow like don't steal the base when you are winning by large amount. I'll be next time Arod plays against this team, he better show up with body armour, I am 100% sure he will get hit.


Old School Reefer
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Is it against the rules to say something to the opposite team? Or is it considered a play interference?

No, but it's considered very Bush League. Even his teammates didn't stick up for him.

I'm thrilled they finally won a game, they needed it badly. They were already up by two runs. He didn't have to taint the win with childish behaviour.

I'll be glad when this season is over and he is traded. I can't imagine he'd elect to exercise his option. He's another major reason there is no comraderie in the clubhouse.



Experienced Reefer
Ozone Park
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