gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
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224   0   0
i was really looking forward to meeting everyone but if the weather is going to be as bad as they say i am not going to take my chances on the road with my there another date planned if it is to i just spent a fortune at disney and i have no extra lute for anything.and if anyone is wondering i am staying in this hobby even after last weeks failure.i really like this hobby and i cant see getting out of it so quick


Rating - 100%
224   0   0
welcome back to NY and the hobby :lol2:

come over to my place tomorrow ,I only have about 200+ frags available :D

No need to take chances on the road with your kids ,Just come alone ;)

Hope the weather take a turn ,Im not really in the mood to pack up the mini van in a strom :(



Rating - 99.1%
116   1   0
LOL Duke how was disney ? I'm going in may. And I too hope the weather is better.


Rating - 99.1%
116   1   0
Yo duke welcome back from vacation, no :bunnies: while sharing a room with the kids Marki that could cause them problems for the rest of their life. Baseball may be canceled tho, keep that in mind. I too will not be at the swap so I feel the same way you do.


Barnum Island
Rating - 100%
200   0   0
its all to make the experience alot better... :)... then when we get home from the swap all safely we can say WE SURVIVED THE SPRING 07 MR.Com SWAP :lol2:

While I like your sentiment Tony, I can understand why Duke is hesitant about taking the kids out, and he does have a long ride to the swap.
His kids are really cute too!

We'll miss ya Duke!! :)

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