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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I don?t think anyone does anymore
I remember going to those shops when i was young they all closed up though (except maybe for one on Coney Island)
Its sad but we are in a generation of replace everything if it breaks just not worth fixing stuff anymore


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Yeah well people get that mindset even though its not so true or its as simple as sending it in for warranty
A while back i was doing the ebay thing and i bought a lot of surface keyboards 5-10$ Each most of them were under warranty so i contacted Microsoft had them all replaced for free and resold them for $40 each, well its possible i got lucky but it showed me people didn?t even bother to see if there was a warranty they just sold them as broken

You should google maps search it maybe a repair shop is in your area
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That couldve fried lore than the powet board, which at that point its cheaper to replace it. Between the power board and audio/video board it could easily go to aboit 800 and thats if they make the parta still cause pannosonic not making tv?s any more or plasmas


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I got some water on the back, just a little, but the picture went out. At this point I'm hoping it's going to dry and then start to work otherwise a board may need to be charged. There is no smoke or burning smell.

Personally if water got onto any electronics i would power off dry then take out the board and brush it with a tooth brush then reinstall

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