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Reef Guy

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Queens, NY
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Im going on a diving trip in thialand for a week but I am stopping in Hong Kong for 4 days. Does anyone know any good local hotels around or any hot spots?
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There are vacational studio for rent on "Long Island" pronounce like "Chuen Chow" where local people go for mini vacations. Just make sure you don't go for the lowest rent one because it could be a haunted house as the urban legend says. Couple movies were based on that. Not so terrifying as the one in The Gudge though.

shopping: Just walk along Nathan road from Tsimshatsui to Mongkwok. MUST make a stop at the old fish wholesale/retail outlet at somewhere around Nathan road and Waterloo road. It's like 10 20 fish store in one street. If you luck out, loclas may tell you where the new fish/pet wholesale spot that used to be Mongkwok train(not subway) station exit. Over there you will see gold(not comet) fish bred as feeders. In terms of health, those fish sold in LFS here looks like crap comparing with the ones there probably due to the long travel to US. There are also two district in Hong Kong Island side that ae famous for shopping and night life starting with Wanchai. If you ask locals there with map, they can direct you. GL
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Advanced Reefer
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Chuen Chow makes a great day trip, but you should stay in Hong Kong proper as it is more central for site seeing. Jerry usually stays at the Mandarin Oriental, but business is picking up the tab, and it is in the financial district. I cannot remember where I stayed when I was there, but is was in TST,Tsimshatsui, which was great, because it was close to all the fun stuff.

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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If you can afford it, I would stay at the INtercontinental right in HK Proper - close to all and a beautiful view of Kowloon. Easy to get a boat there as well as the Hovercraft to Macau for gambling or a trip to stanley market for some buying. And it's a walk t Victoria's peak - a favorite of many western tourists.

Oh, and I hear there are a few good restaurants too :)

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Hmm. Stanley Market is a good place to shop too and remember not to get too hooked up in Macau because hookers are everywhere.

Readers, please do not be offended but it's a real story. The girls in Macau, literally, will pull you to their love nest. Last time I was there, I was scared by couple girls suddenly closed up on me and grap my hand and softly said "do you need service." I was shocked and jumped at least 5 feet away-thinking "are they trying to mud me or something". My girl friend, walking behind me, cracked up like there's no tomorrow.

Oh try out the Disney there and let me know if it's any good. I been never in the Disney In Hong Kong.

Also, you must go to Ocean Park, where I used to work and visit my dolphine friend. Please ride the spherical tram and try to see if you can break the lexan glass(J/K J/K For real, don't even think about it, we have closed circuit TV to monitor if anyone try to hamper the glass/tram). I made the lexan glass to make sure no one jump. Yes, it was the concern when we built the glass with lexan. Isn't it crazy, we were thinking people will jump from the tram?

As for food, almost every where is tasty food including the street paddlers but hygiene could be another topic.
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Reef Guy

Senior Member
Queens, NY
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Any input on the Kowloon or Metropark area? Hotels seems to be cheap in metropark and its right near the subway. How are the car rentals over there should I bother trying to rent a car or just use public trans


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Great Neck & NYC
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i also stayed at the kowloon hotel. very convenient as far as trains or ferry to get to hong kong.
also about a block or 2 away is a very nicely renovated Holiday Inn.
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Any input on the Kowloon or Metropark area? Hotels seems to be cheap in metropark and its right near the subway. How are the car rentals over there should I bother trying to rent a car or just use public trans

Of course public transit: subway(usually the fastest and most convenient of all), bus, train and even taxi(much cheaper than here). You get lost easier driving. HAHA. Our streets don't go by numbers like 18th Avenue and 74th Street:tongue1: They are mostly British or Chinese names-good luck learning them fast enough.

Reef Guy

Senior Member
Queens, NY
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Well time is running out and i gotta book hotel asap..i heard causeway bay is where everything is? How is shipping from HK to the US? Can you ship coral and others things over night or 2nd day ?

Reef Guy

Senior Member
Queens, NY
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hmm that seems interesting. But I dunno if ill have that much time in HK to do all that. What do you guys think is the best way to convert currency for honk kong & thialand?


New York, NY
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Make sure you visit the Goldfish Market at Prince Edward. The place is popping after 5pm as with everything else in HK. Bunch of salt + fresh water fish, coral, inverts, etc. Don't bother asking for frag discs they never heard of them. I warn you prices are considerably cheap for livestock as well as China made products. I was very impressed by the selection they had and was trying to figure out how to smuggle some livestock back but I decided not to. Causeway Bay mostly has department stores with name brands. If your looking for electronics you can go to Mong Kok or Sham Shiu Po. If your into bars you can go to SoHo in Central. Keep your wallet in your front pocket in crowded areas. Oh right Metropark Kowloon just stayed there room is tiny beds are hard but other than that the free broadband cheap rate and a walks distance to MK was pretty much a no brainer for me. BTW there are free shuttle buses to MK and TST for that particular hotel.

Goldfish Market
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