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Staten Island
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Just out of curiosity (since there are so many low ballers here) do you go to stores and low ball them? What's their response to it?

I feel its the age old question. Why lowball ? If you want it buy it. If its too much then don't buy it or go buy it elsewhere.

Just figured I'd ask


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to me cash talks, so sometimes i'll ask how much if i pay cash. if its the same they get a credit card and make less. their response is a simple yes or no. but I'm not talking low balling.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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to me cash talks, so sometimes i'll ask how much if i pay cash. if its the same they get a credit card and make less. their response is a simple yes or no. but I'm not talking low balling.

Absolutely. I agree with you %100. However we have a ton of people here who want to pay half of asking which is still generally lower than in a store.


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Maybe they don't think they are low balling. I see a lot of people putting in their ad price is cheap and firm. No low balling. Then for the next to month they are price dropping and wondering why no one wants it.

My favorite in the ads is when people tell you what they paid for it a year ago and then drop the price by 2%. You get used equipment with no warranty for a 2% discount. Another good when is people selling used equipment for the same price as new and saying that its a great deal because you don't have to pay for shipping.

If you don't want offers put in your ad price is firm and don't respond. Low balling is all prespective.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Generally speaking when you look to buy something you see the price and if its too high you keep walking. Not argue with the guy telling him he's charging too much. That person just doesn't get your business then. Very simple


Mt Sinai, NY
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Low balling seems to be the norm here.
As far as equip goes, If something is used, 1/2 of new is what I use as a fair price.
If its easy to ship, I'll list it elsewhere first.
Coral seems to be priced by demand.


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If I feel it is warranted I will respectfully ask if a lower price is agreeable but never pushy and always with a full disclosure. I never 'low ball'. When I bought my house I asked my agent what was a number that was fair but not offensive and made a take it or leave it offer. Now I own a home Im not even living in :(


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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When I price ky used equipment I do it based on recent sales of similar used equipment

Thats the same thing you do for getting the value of a home, a comp/comparable to estinate value in the market.

Like my ati 6 bulb, on every other forum used and even older than 2 yrs posted resale is 350 to 400. Without bulbs.

Plus shipping.

Now here, it didnt even go for 350 with bulbs that would have good par for at least 5 more months!

So, the demand also jas to be there. I definitely got a lot of lowball offers.

It would be more offensive if I needed to resell becaise of financial issues.


bona-fide REEF NUT
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Hot topic. Seriously. To Cmantis, when you buy a house you should low-ball. You are not looking to make friends, nor do you want to pay more than you have to for something as significant as a home purchase. Actually, if you do not get rejected on your offer at least once, you paid too much. (I'm in sales, I do this for a living!)

On the lowballing here, different story. Between people negotiating over $5 and flaking out/disappearing.....on the other hand, when I was considering a purchase of a pretty nice/expensive coral, and I made a different choice and let the seller know he said 'like I care!' - courtesy is a lost art and people need to remember to treat others as they would be treated.

Oh, new rant (sorry to hi-jack this) - does the gross misspelling and terrible grammar annoy anyone else but me??


Advanced Reefer
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Hot topic. Seriously. To Cmantis, when you buy a house you should low-ball. You are not looking to make friends, nor do you want to pay more than you have to for something as significant as a home purchase. Actually, if you do not get rejected on your offer at least once, you paid too much. (I'm in sales, I do this for a living!)

On the lowballing here, different story. Between people negotiating over $5 and flaking out/disappearing.....on the other hand, when I was considering a purchase of a pretty nice/expensive coral, and I made a different choice and let the seller know he said 'like I care!' - courtesy is a lost art and people need to remember to treat others as they would be treated.

Oh, new rant (sorry to hi-jack this) - does the gross misspelling and terrible grammar annoy anyone else but me??

+1 on the real-estate, i all ways low ball the most they can do is say no but most likely counter offer.
im not a grammar or spelling wiz so it only bothers me when i have to try and interpret it, or skip over the post.

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