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I was thinking any structure or jetty add an air stone for good measure and do salt /brackish

there are tons of really cool small fish. one we call (phonetically) Beg-all not to confuse with Bergall fish sure the real name but they look like a blenny and are really colorful. known for driving fishermen mad.
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I was thinking any structure or jetty add an air stone for good measure and do salt /brackish

there are tons of really cool small fish. one we call (phonetically) Beg-all not to confuse with Bergall fish sure the real name but they look like a blenny and are really colorful. known for driving fishermen mad.

what do you mean by structure or "jetty"? lol
can you tell me where i can find these small fish? i'm about to do this for real


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Any town you might suggest? I'm looking at google maps hre.. what do you think about jamaica bay. thinking about it.. this is not as simple as it sounds. i dont know if i'm down if it'll involve snorkeling. also carryin the thing back would be tough. but if things show to be def possible i just might.


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Sound Beach,LI
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I had a buddy that tried this and the critters didn't last too long. Most if the local species like colder waters. My friends problem was he didn't implement a chiller. If you decide ti do this, that should be on the top of your list. Good luck


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You can fish for small sea bass like 4 in by the Verrazano bridge. I was on a boat fishing and a mate said he always catches small seabass and put them in a tank. There cool looking fish too !


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my wife's kid brother tried this by taking fish out of the lake in Branch Brook park.

Interesting fish, shy at first, not to big in size.

Woke up the next morning to find his new additions had killed his brackish angels and discus

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