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renegade reefer
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Were gonna call this one spillige so i am out of my house 6:15/6:20 today I was runnibg a little late 6:30 I reach the bus stop to drop my munchkin at daycare and she say daddy the water making mess she know that as am always playing in water around her the bag of goodies was leaking most of the time am on point with packing stuff so I had to stop and redo my package of macro& frags argh not good I drop of the little one and hop on the train to the city and some lady sitting on the train got really piss at me ??? I carry a few tools in my north face around as I work all over the place one of the tools put hole in the package second strike so now on a pack 5 train i had to redo the package again all the people on the train looking at me crazy as most of them don't know ishh about macro and reefing plus this lady making up all this noise cause i got salt water on her stuff then the third strike nypd check ur bag pick me today like really out of all day y today so now this lady cop pull out the package and normally when a dready pull out a bag of greens is not a good thing lol so I have to give a explanation at grand central while running late to work man who ever get this free macro better make sure they pass some around and be a little apprecitive this ish for been free cause me a lot of troubles


Nemo Assassin
New York
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lol that s%%t krayyyy dam i remember when i was going to class (use to study architecture) and i got stopped by the cops and i was carrying all my tools which included alot of razors and stuff of that nature =)
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renegade reefer
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Yea i try bro to hook my fellow reefers up i have some fiends that always throw stuff my way so my macro that grows like crazy i try give away to as many peeps as can its my way of giving back and even the 5 buck frag I sell from time to time is the same thing 5 bucks don't really do much in this hobby and am not here to try to get rich of corals AK a hobbyist this way at least some newbies or peeps that's don't have much i can hook them up


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Popeye would probably want people detained for it if you wrote him a letter too LOL


renegade reefer
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Yea seriously ctx 6 block walk 10min bus ride 6 mire block walk 5 train to grand central shuttle to times square 1 train to 23 st 3 more block walk to 21st &8 ave and along the way water leaking and my run with nyc pd put in on the air and we spli t the founds u can name the tilted .lol :)
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The Inked Reefer
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thanks for the macro warren! i had to explain to the duane reade people yday why i wanted to buy a pack of syringes for aipstasia....


The Flying Reefer
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Yo some of the cop are ridiculous they got a job but don't know squat I was like really lady i dont have time for this right now am late to work

I mean look at it this way...they are doing their job. Put yourself in their shoes, if they see a bag of green (macro), they don't know it's macro, they think it's something else obv...you cant blame these cops for not knowing much about reefing and what the hell does macro algae or phytoplankton mean lol. You just gotta be patient and calmly explain what you are doing.

Lol I'll never forget the story of a member on here who suppositly got on the subway holding a giant skimmer ROFL and the cops stopped him :tongue1: :groupflip think about it...imagine yourself sitting on the subway (not knowing anything about reefing) and all of a sudden you see a dude walk in with a giant object and you have no clue what it is, but looks dangerous LOL

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