Hey all, I've met a handful of you guys on this forum but I would like to invite everybody to check out my blog, I just made it last night so its definitely still in its infancy. http://ilbastardodarte.tumblr.com/
Just a little background about myself and the purpose of this thread.
I am David Sena's studio assistant who is a very very talented tattoo as well as visual artist.
you can check out his work here at www.senaspace.com
the website is getting an update soon so fresh artwork and images will be up soon.
We will soon be opening up an Art space/lounge/Gallery space in Soho within the next few months so I will definitely keep you guys posted. Please feel free to come and check out the artwork and if you are interested in tattoo work, come in for a consultation when things are up and running!
Im trying to show what we do in the studio and hopefully spread the word about it.
I hope all of you enjoy it!
Just a little background about myself and the purpose of this thread.
I am David Sena's studio assistant who is a very very talented tattoo as well as visual artist.
you can check out his work here at www.senaspace.com
the website is getting an update soon so fresh artwork and images will be up soon.
We will soon be opening up an Art space/lounge/Gallery space in Soho within the next few months so I will definitely keep you guys posted. Please feel free to come and check out the artwork and if you are interested in tattoo work, come in for a consultation when things are up and running!
Im trying to show what we do in the studio and hopefully spread the word about it.
I hope all of you enjoy it!
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