Interesting reading. While it is passionate, in my opinion the piece lacks sound logic.
"Do not educate them": So atheists are educated and theists are not?
"Lie to them constantly about how the world works": This is very vague. How does the world work?
"Make them loathe their own natural bodies and functions": Vague again. By the way, have you ever taken a look in the toilet after taking a dump? That function is pretty loathesome imo lol.
"Everything enjoyable is grievously wrong to think about": What passes as "everything enjoyable" these days? And isn't "enjoyable" subjective?
"...grovelling to an invisible friend": How is mother nature, or big bang, or abiogenesis doing these days? Just a minute, aren't those just ideas?
"Ensure that they resent anyone who is not like them in every way...teach them to laugh at and dismiss out of hand any faith but their own": Sounds to me like that's what the author is doing.
"Instruct never question for themselves...": Seems like the author is saying that if his kids don't agree with him then they are laughable (he's a little hypocritical don't you think?)
"Make sure they cannot spell, use correct grammer, or understand basic English words": This might make the US the most religious nation on earth, well maybe a lot of MR members lol!
It may just be me but I don't get the logic, so I can't appreciate the purpose. If you sift through it you could find some worthwhile caution, but it's like saying some reefers use undergravel filters and then infer that all reefers use undergravel filters.