Hitting mt snow and stratton up early february. Can't wait. Got a big group of 24 people and a house 5 min from mt snow. Hopefully we'll get it just as good
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This is our first time at stratton/mt snow. We have been doing killington since 2001. This is the first time we've decided to venture to another mountain finally. We're excited.
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Stratton mountain is where its at!! I'm up there every other weekend.... And this Friday there giving out FREE lift tickets it's on there Facebook page but I already have a season pass lol
Steepest on the east coast, i think is at gore.
Heavenly last march. 2 ft of fresh powder
Nice. Love western skiing!
I've been boarding since before they actually let boards on the mountains and we basically snuck onto the lower mountain runs until mgmt caught us. My first board purchase was the winter of '85/86. It was a Burton Elite(?) with a swallow tail and cracked edges. We used Timberland boots or Sorels until our feet were numb. The next year Stratton opened up to boarders and then slowly but surely the rest followed (question: does Alta in Utah allow boards yet?)
I was hoping to head out to Tahoe this year during the kids Winter break (and even committed to a timeshare - see my non-reef sales post) but the wife vetoed the idea.
I'll probably head up somewhere on Superbowl Sunday (early so I can get back) to get my first runs of the year. Just too busy on the weekends with the kid's activities.