Ok MR - here is your chance to show a little love..
Albano... or Alfie as he is known to many of us... is in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery. He was rushed to the emergency room at 5 AM on Tuesday and spend from noon yesterday until 7 PM last night in surgery to repair that HUGE heart of his (it clearly took a lot of time since it is made of pure gold
He will probably be in the hospital until Monday and is then expected to be on bedrest for 4-6 weeks after that.
In the meantime his brother & daughter are caring for his reef...so he is covered there. yay!
So if you give him a hard time...you will be having to deal with the wrath from the rest of us!:tired:
So post up something happy to say to Alfie...as e-card ...something funny (he always appreciates a good joke), or just your thoughts so he knows how much he is appreciated.
He is also accepting sympathy frags...or so he told me...lol Maybe a bleeding heart scolly if anyone has a spare one laying around?
So very happy you are on the road to recovery Alfie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug:
Albano... or Alfie as he is known to many of us... is in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery. He was rushed to the emergency room at 5 AM on Tuesday and spend from noon yesterday until 7 PM last night in surgery to repair that HUGE heart of his (it clearly took a lot of time since it is made of pure gold
He will probably be in the hospital until Monday and is then expected to be on bedrest for 4-6 weeks after that.
In the meantime his brother & daughter are caring for his reef...so he is covered there. yay!
So if you give him a hard time...you will be having to deal with the wrath from the rest of us!:tired:
So post up something happy to say to Alfie...as e-card ...something funny (he always appreciates a good joke), or just your thoughts so he knows how much he is appreciated.
He is also accepting sympathy frags...or so he told me...lol Maybe a bleeding heart scolly if anyone has a spare one laying around?
So very happy you are on the road to recovery Alfie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug:

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