This Horse Mask changed my entire life. It is the honey to my honey nut cheerios, the cheese to my mac 'n' cheese and the spice to my love life. Great for picking up chickas and also a great accessory in the bedroom later on. I swear to you I have no idea what these other people mean by saying it's "Hard to see out of"... PSHAW!! I can see better through those nostrils than I can from my own two eyes. The mask makes me comfortable, and no longer awkward around girls. It helped me talk to my mother after 27 long years of hatred and we are now best friends. It's my go-to when I'm down in the dumps, my pick-me-up after a long hard day at the fish market (my work). This thing is better than anything I have ever purchased, ever. Like seriously, it's a better buy than the kidney that saved my life, or even the pizza that killed my insane, murderous cat (the pepperoni was rancid and I didn't get a chance to eat it before the devil ate the entire thing). This thing is the only thing that kept me going when I was suicidal. It arrived in its beautiful amazon box (I kept the box which I now call "The Stable) the day I was going to hang myself and I put it on. Instantly rejuvenated, I spent the night on the town with Toto and had a tensome. Yeah, it was worth the money