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Experienced Reefer
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Ok, my mother-in-law passed away recently. This Christmas is going to be really tough for my wife, her sister, and brother. We have decided to go some place totally different to ease the pain. We want warm beaches. Suggestions? I am thinking gulf region. Somewhere in the Pacific would be nice, but I am sure that that will be $$$$$. St. Thomas? Puerto Rico? Does not have to be 5 star or anything, but don't want a dive. It will be 6 adults and two kids.


A Little Annoyed!
Rating - 96.6%
84   3   0
Aruba!!!! All the way!!!

I love aruba. 85 Degrees all year round!

Safe Island. Other Caribbean Islands are not safe to venture out. Aruba is one of the safest. I usually rent a time share when i go. You would be able to get 2 units!

We stayed at the Radisson in Aruba and the Occidental. I liked the Occidental as it was All Inclusive. The food was pretty damn good other than the Mexican Rest.

Renting directly from the hotel is pretty expensive whereever you go. If you want more info let me know I can hook you up with the person I rent my time share from.

I have been to Jamaica, which are beautiful beaches but cant go off the resort.

I travel with my wife and 2 kids (7 and 5 when we went last).


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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Turks, never been but hear its great, relaxed place, diving too
I've done Aruba, not as enthusiastic as Anthony, stayed at time share not a resort...maybe not best way to experience the island


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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ahhh the poor guys lost his mother inlaw, and he obviously cared very much about her, i didnt feel it appropriate. When that time comes for my wifey it will crush her and probly the boys too

the place we stayed was not in the immediate resort section which def. takes away from the island. the beach was gorgeous, water warm, and the rest. were very nice. if i had the opportunity i would go to turks before Aruba again.


A Little Annoyed!
Rating - 96.6%
84   3   0
Just booked aruba for 2 Nov 5 th to Nov 9 5 days 4 nights at the occidental all inclusive direct flights 1350 per person I think I got a pretty good deal .

Nice!!! If you ever decided to go back you can rent a time share from someone and some of them you are not required to get the AI.

Last trip we went we celebrated my anniversary so we got a much bigger room and ocean front.

Below are some pics, first is of our room in the actual tower and others are views from the room.






eastern wv
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Ok, my mother-in-law passed away recently. This Christmas is going to be really tough for my wife, her sister, and brother. We have decided to go some place totally different to ease the pain. We want warm beaches. Suggestions? I am thinking gulf region. Somewhere in the Pacific would be nice, but I am sure that that will be $$$$$. St. Thomas? Puerto Rico? Does not have to be 5 star or anything, but don't want a dive. It will be 6 adults and two kids.[/Q.... aruba is verry nice


A Little Annoyed!
Rating - 96.6%
84   3   0
Y arubas always windy

Aruba has the trade winds.....

Sometimes the winds do die down, especially after a hard rain. It is horrible outside, the humidity shoot through the room and the temp skyrockets.

This is what seperates it from other islands like Dominican Republic which there are no winds. Well not sustained anyway.

While it sounds like much, it is not like a hurricane, it is a nice breeze that keeps the temp and humidity down.


Bay Ridge, BK
Rating - 100%
112   0   0
i know a certain reefer who has a dream cabin/house (really a cabin) on utila, if you don't know about it , it is the caribbean before cruise ships and resorts... completely awesome, safe, cheapest place to learn diving in the world. PM me for special MR rate ;) It won't keep a family though, only a couple. Unless you want to bring an air mattress. :) And it isn't all inclusive. But for the money you save you could eat and drink whatever you want from restaurants on the island. :) nearest airport is roatan (RTB) which requires a catamaran of 50$ each way or you could do the cheaper and almost as fast route to SAP and take a luxury bus to the ferry or just fly on a private plane if you are a baller. :) http://www.airbnb.com/rooms/220695

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