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Guns, Razors, Knives.
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So ive been having issues lately with my ISP. It's cable internet and im suppose to be getting 15/2mbit (down/up). But for about a month now between 6pm-2am I'm getting about 1-3mbit download.

I understand cable is a shared line and with overhead I should be getting a good solid ~13mbit non-peak, but getting <1mbit during peak sounds like there is a serious issue.

Anyone else have their service in Brooklyn and seen the same issue?

I got a guy coming to look at it sunday. if he cant fix it, Fios time.


Advanced Reefer
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i had that problem with Time Warner a while ago...suppose to get 10/2..was getting 1/.5

i called (forgot what they did) but they end up fixing it


A Little Annoyed!
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DUMP Optimum that is the answer. With school being out all the kiddies are online playing their games and such those times!!! Shared Internet sucks! Try to get Fios, much better! I have 35/35 service and i get like 42/30 at all times!!!


Chairman of the board
Forest Hills
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if you're getting those speed from the modem box (not wireless), then something is wrong. ask them to check if there's any contention issues with the main node.
how much is fios? i heard they lure you in with low rates then will run you over $50/month.


A Little Annoyed!
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if you're getting those speed from the modem box (not wireless), then something is wrong. ask them to check if there's any contention issues with the main node.
how much is fios? i heard they lure you in with low rates then will run you over $50/month.

If the speed is all the time at that slow rate, I would say there is a problem, but if it is only at certain times a day, I say that it is just bandwidth that is being shared. So without really running speed tests all day long hard to say.

I love Fios, and for me even if it is a little more I stick with them. The TV quality and Internet speed is phenominal.

I pay like 165 a month for Fios (no phone).
That includes the 35/35 internet, and all cable channels including Cinemax. And I have 1 HD Dvr, 1 HD box, and 3 Standard Boxes.

Fios also does not nickle and dime you for On-Demand like for the pay-channels.

I dropped Cablevision the day that Fios was avail and have not looked back!

I have Vonage for phone service.


Advanced Reefer
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I had a similar problem with time warner...I called and got to I higher level tech support.. then I think they did something which "un capped" my modem...I was getting like 3x the download speed I was paying for(getting like 30 download) then when my modem went bad I exchanged it then I went back to 10 download speed...

Call them they will fix it for you.. the customer servive person may not be able to but tech support will

Sent from my SCH-R910 using Tapatalk

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