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The business relies heavily on quantity to make it worth it otherwise your going to put alot of sweat and blood into it for nothing. Its also either full time with a large route/routes or nothing. If your new to it and screw up people will drop you quick and there are plenty of people able to pick up your stops =0) IMO, There are better side job things to get into.

Im not in the business but a friend of mine used to own a distribution business. Its great once you get past a certain point but not the ideal starter business right now.


Old School Reefer
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I have always wanted to get into that also, as a side job. But the problem is finding an "established route" that someone does not want to rape you for.

If it's an established route you're looking for, why wouldn't you think the person selling it deserves their asking price for creating a viable, income producing business for someone else to capitalize on? Sounds like it would be no different than purchasing any other established business.



Saltwater since 1973
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I have always wanted to get into that also, as a side job. But the problem is finding an "established route" that someone does not want to rape you for.
The real problem, is that it's a CASH business, so everyone is going to show you minimal income on the books, but swear that they put thousands of $ cash in their pockets!
Be very careful...if it's so great, why are they selling it, and why don't family and friends want to take it over!
Worse, if you have to hire someone to help...say goodbye to the cash.


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the real problem, is that it's a cash business, so everyone is going to show you minimal income on the books, but swear that they put thousands of $ cash in their pockets!
Be very careful...if it's so great, why are they selling it, and why don't family and friends want to take it over!
Worse, if you have to hire someone to help...say goodbye to the cash.

+ 1


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Garden city
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Albano u speak the truth obviously I would require a 3 - 4 week ride along on the route I'm not looking to get rich just make extra dough and would never buy something like that just on word
My goal is to make 75- 100 extra a day CASH


A Little Annoyed!
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If it's an established route you're looking for, why wouldn't you think the person selling it deserves their asking price for creating a viable, income producing business for someone else to capitalize on? Sounds like it would be no different than purchasing any other established business.


I guess I was a little harsh with my words, I should have said "a lot of money". My father and I looked into vending routes a while ago, but no one was able to really show how much money was made. Not one person that we found that had the routes actually kept good books to show the take. Cash businesses are very hard to truly tell what they are worth. Like someone said you would need to ride the route with the person and actually see how much money is coming out of the machines.


Saltwater since 1973
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Also cash business is what I want I wanna do most if not all business myself and I would think the machines have lock boxes that r picked up not just all the cash
The # of ways to 'rip off the boss' is infinite! Even if the cash goes into a lock box...do you have any idea, how much product your 'assistant' can give away, or sell?...if you have to do inventory every week, you might as well do the job, yourself.

My grandfather started a car business in the 1930's...he used to say..."the day he hired his first employee (other than family)...the business was too big to handle"...

Unfortunately...too many employees think that they are partners, and entitled to their share!


Old School Reefer
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I guess I was a little harsh with my words, I should have said "a lot of money". My father and I looked into vending routes a while ago, but no one was able to really show how much money was made. Not one person that we found that had the routes actually kept good books to show the take. Cash businesses are very hard to truly tell what they are worth. Like someone said you would need to ride the route with the person and actually see how much money is coming out of the machines.

Cash businesses have always been the 'cats meow' of self employed operators for a hundred years. For the longest time cash was king and so much of it went unreported.

The most desirable cash business back in the '70's & 80's were coin operated laundromats. That cash cow ended when the IRS began to monitor the water and electric consumption of the laundromats and began auditing the business for what they term 'reasonableness'. When a laundromat uses (just for instance, don't know the actual figures) lets say 200,000 gallons of water in one month and only reports monthly income of say $1,500, the IRS says that doesn't make sense. They might come up with a corresponding income of say $20,000 per month with water usage of 200,000 gallons. So under reporting cash became a lot harder to get away with.

I mention the laundromat because the IRS probably has a similar test for reasonableness with vending machine routes. When you make your purchases of snacks, soda, water, novelty items, etc. to refill your machines, the IRS probably has a formula for how much you are expected to make based on those purchases. We all know it isn't exact, but it sure gets them closer to their 'self imposed deserved' take.

The IRS has done the same thing for the cash business of being a waiter/waitress. Minimum wage used to be (in the '70's) what a waiter would report to the IRS as their income. This was ridiculously low because waitstaff were paid LESS than the standard minimum wage because they received tips to offset their salary. The IRS knew tips weren't being reported, so they began to monitor the amount of the receipts (checks) each waiter served during their shift (they required the restaurant owner to 'self police' this).

Bottom line is, cash businesses are obviously still great, but there are ways to determine how truthful (to a point) a route owner is being about their income on the route. Definitely ask to see their purchase records. If they have $250 of monthly purchases, don't believe they are making $7,500 month in cash income. You can apply the same determination of reasonableness that the IRS employs.



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Staten Island
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Everything Albano and Russ are saying is right on the money. However Russ there is always ways to get around things. Laundromats you can finagle things w/ water connections and electric ..bypass breakers etc. IF you get caught it would be a problem obviously but there is always ways to get around it. I know someone who gets all his hose water from a neighbor he doesn't like lol He fills up his pool,waters his lawn gets water for his tanks etc etc. all on the jerk next door haha. Also as far as vending machines and I believe lots of delis do this as well is shop at places like BJ's and Costco. You buy the stuff cash and no one knows what you buy and it's all under the table cash profit. I would never encourage any criminal or unlawful activity just stating facts :sgrin:

Another reason laundromats were being audited was because of mafia ties and drug ties via money laundering. Same thing w/ car washes.


Saltwater since 1973
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Another reason laundromats were being audited was because of mafia ties and drug ties via money laundering. Same thing w/ car washes.
Trig, I hate to tell you this, but "money laundering" does not mean that the money has to actually be laundered, or sent thru the car wash!



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North Jersey
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I know someone in the business and worked for him for a while doing runs to refill. Not such a bad deal if you can get a good route. My typical route was down the turnpike starting from vince lombardi up top, across the ac expressway, and back up the parkway to montvale once or twice a week. More during summer. The machines were always loaded with quarters and needed re filling, so theres money there but it takes time to establish yourself and all. Also keeping products fresh and new ideas go a long way.


Long Island
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A little difficult as a side job, most places would expect the machines to be serviced during the day; some may even have specific times you're allowed in. Some of the other thoughts on this would be who services the machine when they break? How much of a commission are your customers going to expect, machine will cost them money in electric.

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