- Location
- new jersey
48x24x24 Reptibreeze terrarium for sale. i used it for my chameleon for two months, then sold him a few months back, and its been sitting around for about 4 months now. i made 2 hanging pieces of wood hanging from the top of the terrarium. perfect for chameleons or other arboreal reptiles. it also comes with two plants and a light hood with a UVB bulb included, the light hood can hold two heat bulbs and one UVB bulb. i am asking 175 for everything . the cage itself sells for 115. i paid 30 dollars a piece for the wood pieces and 40 for the light. let me know if your interested.
here is a link for a new reptibreeze. http://www.bigappleherp.com/Zoo-Med-Repti-Breeze-Aluminum-Screen-Cages
here is a link for a new reptibreeze. http://www.bigappleherp.com/Zoo-Med-Repti-Breeze-Aluminum-Screen-Cages