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Mainland Aquatics
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i need to get rid of a few fish asap.. they are all freshwater..

2 Oscars, one big male and one smaller(6-8in) female albino red
1 large black plecco abt 15-18in
2 synodonis decorus(abt 6in..they are peaceful catfish)
3 rainbow cichlids (abt 4in)
1 jack dempsey (5in)
1 upsidedown cat (5in)

like i said..FREE, to a good home...i dont want a penny, ill even bring them to you if its reasonable..PM me please

i can give them to the LFS but i know the will turn around and make 500$ off these fish.. so id rather give them away..Tell a friend.. lol i know we are a large family of Reefers(hah) but i think we all know a FW guy or gal that hasnt come over to the dark side yet..lol


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i have a 75 and a 90 gallon

cant take them all but would split with someone. Cant pu( imagine the errands and chores my wife would send me on if i told her i had time to go to jersey for fish) but will throw in gas money or have equipment to give. lmk


Mainland Aquatics
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bubbles the fish would be ok except for the oscars theyre too big for a standard 90g.. but the others are yours if you want to come get them..

Space, long island is a little farther than i would like to drive.. when i go to brooklyn it costs me over 65$ in gas and tolls...


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was making the offer to who ever picks them up

would never expect someone to deliver something they are giving away. nice thing you are doing. just thought if someone cant take all the fish i would piggyback on them and give that person something for the travel.


Mainland Aquatics
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would never expect someone to deliver something they are giving away. nice thing you are doing. just thought if someone cant take all the fish i would piggyback on them and give that person something for the travel.

ah. i gotcha.. well theyre still available.. here is an older pic of the tank you can see the oscars and some of the fish if you look good.. the rest of the fish are no more, its only the fish i have listed.. thanks



Mainland Aquatics
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flowerhorn and frontosas are 2 of the most aggressive cichlids, im waiting on a call from someone tonight that may be taking them all.. will keey everyone posted..

and trigg.. see all those fish in that pic? theres abt 28 total.. theyre in a 92g.. Overstocked? yup. never had any issues with death,disease or parameters.. well i also ran 2 fluval fx5s and an 1200gph internal water scrubber and a UV sterilizer.. but its doable with the right mindset...
but thanks for keeping a watchful eye out for me.. lol


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I know its a 92 corner..BUTTTTT like you said you had over 2,000 gallons per hour worth of filtration PLUS a UV lol Which I'm sure this guy has nothing close to that. Most people would not, there's a big difference. Also most of the fish in there were not that big and were not going to get a foot a piece either.

There is ALWAYS someone watching :shhh:

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